Integer numbers

Integers are the basic datatype that directly managed by CPU instructions.

An integer consists of an optional sign followed by one or more digits.

[ sign ] { digit [ digit [ ... ] ] }

  • sign : + or -, if the sign is missing, it is presumed to be +.

  • digit : 0 through 9.

Gambas provides four different integer types:

Integers Description Default value Size in memory
Byte 0...255 0 1 byte
Short -32.768...+32.767 0 2 bytes
Integer -2.147.483.648...+2.147.483.647 0 4 bytes
Long -9.223.372.036.854.775.808...+9.223.372.036.854.775.807 0 8 bytes

If you write a too big (or too small) integer, an error is raised.

Gambas does not provide unsigned integer datatypes other than Byte.

See also