TriePrefix (

This class provides a read-only view of part of a Trie. It lets you examine keys with a common prefix.

Diese Klasse kann nicht erzeugt werden.

Diese Klasse verhält sich wie ein nur lesbar-Array.

Mit dem FOR EACH-Schlüsselwort ist diese Klasse zählbar.

Key   Return the relative key of the last enumerated object.
Prefix   Return the prefix string of this object.

Add   Add bytes to the prefix. If the extended prefix does not exist within the Trie, an error is raised.
Exist   Return if the given key exists relative to the prefix. This returns the same as hTrie.Exist(hTriePrefix.Prefix & RelKey).
Remove   Remove bytes from the end of the prefix.

Searches begin in the middle of the Trie and are thus faster (compared to repeated lookups under the same prefix).

TriePrefix objects are invalidated when you change the Trie, so be careful if you store them persistently.