TerminalView.WindowCommands (gb.form.terminal)

Property WindowCommands As Boolean

Return or set if terminal can be effected by XTerm t escape sequences.

Since 3.16

Set this property to True and it enables XTerm t escape sequences on the top window...

Handles the following modes...

1, Minimize false
2, Minimize true
3, Move window (x,y)
4, Resize (h,w) in pixels
5, Send to front (Window.Raise)
6, Send to back (Window.Lower)
7, Refresh (useless) (omitted as pointless)
8, Resize (lines, cols) text characters
9;0 Maximize false
9;1 Maximize true (also works as true/false toggle)
10;0 Full screen off
10;1 Full screen on
10;2 Full screen toggle


echo -en "\033[10;2t" to toggle fullscreen.

echo -en "\033[8;20;80t" to resize window so Terminal is 20 chars high and 80 wide. (see notes below)

echo -en "\033[9;1t" to toggle maximize.

echo -en "\033[5t" to bring window to front (above all others).


Enabling Resizing with other objects in your form...

If you have other panels/objects in your form Eg. a row of buttons above the terminal they must be a fixed size.

A resize command from the TerminalView operates on the top level window, if the TerminalView receives a command to increase height by 50 then the window increases height be 50..

This will not function correctly if your terminal is inside something like a variable VSplit container or if any expandable objects exist above or below.