New MediaControl (

Dim hMediaControl As MediaControl
hMediaControl = New MediaControl ( [ Parent As MediaContainer, Type As String ] ) [ As "EventName" ]

Create a new MediaControl.

  • Parent is an optional container for the new control.

  • Type is the type of GStreamer plugin implemented by this MediaControl.

Here is the list of all current GStreamer plugins.

Caps filters

Dal 3.6

The Type now can use the same caps filter syntax used by the gst-launch program.

For example:

hFilter = New MediaControl(hParent, "audio/x-raw,channels=2,rate=48000")

This is a strict equivalent of:

hFilter = New MediaControl(hParent, "capsfilter")
hFilter["caps"] = "audio/x-raw,channels=2,rate=48000"