PictureBox.Mode (gb.qt4)

Property Mode As Integer

Return or set the picture display mode.

It is one of the following constants:

PictureBox.Normal The picture is displayed at it’s original size. No attempt is made to fit the picture to the size of the PictureBox.
PictureBox.Fill The picture is stretched to fit both the width and height of the PictureBox. Proportionality of the picture is not maintained.
PictureBox.Cover The picture proportionality is maintained. The entire PictureBox height and width is filled.
PictureBox.Contain The picture proportionality is maintained. The entire picture is displayed and stretched for best fit.
PictureBox.Repeat The picture is displayed at it’s original size and repeated. The entire PictureBox height and width is filled.


' This demonstrates the PictureBox.Mode constants
' This code needs to be copied to a 'Graphical application'.

Private HBox1 As HBox
Private HBox2 As HBox
Private LabelMode As Label
Private PictureBox1 As PictureBox
Private SliderMode As Slider

Public Sub Form_Open()

  With Me
    .Height = 600
    .Width = 800
    .Arrangement = Arrange.Vertical
    .Padding = 5
  End With

  With HBox1 = New HBox(Me)
    .Height = 21
  End With

  With New Label(HBox1)
    .Expand = True
    .Height = 28
    .Text = "Move slider to change PictureBox Mode"
    .Font.Bold = True
  End With

  With LabelMode = New Label(HBox1)
    .Expand = True
    .Font.Bold = True
    .Alignment = Align.Right
  End With

  With HBox2 = New HBox(Me)
    .Height = 28
  End With

  With SliderMode = New Slider(HBox2) As "SliderMode"
    .MaxValue = 4
    .Mark = True
    .Width = 180
  End With

  If Not Exist("/tmp/test.png") Then
    Me.Title = "Please wait downloading image...."
    Wait 0.5
    If Not Component.IsLoaded("gb.net.curl") Then Component.Load("gb.net.curl")
    File.save("/tmp/test.png", Object.New("HttpClient").Download("https://gambas.one/files/test.png"))
  End If

  With PictureBox1 = New PictureBox(Me)
    .Expand = True
    .Picture = Picture["/tmp/test.png"]
  End With

  SliderMode.Value = 4


Public Sub SliderMode_Change()

  Dim sText As String[] = ["Normal", "Fill", "Cover", "Contain", "Repeat"]

  PictureBox1.Mode = SliderMode.Value
  LabelMode.Text = "PictureBox1.Mode = PictureBox." & sText[SliderMode.Value]
  Me.Title = sText[SliderMode.Value]
