Gambas Documentation
Aperçu du Langage
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Code Snippets
Comment faire ...
Compilation et installation
Controls pictures
Derniers changements
Dépôt d'applications
Documentation de l'Environnement de développement
Documentation des développeurs
À propos de ma formule préférée
Captures d'écrans
Comportement interne de DrawingArea
Convention de Nommage des Variables
Conventions de nommage
Database Datatype Mapping
DBus et Gambas
Démarrer avec Gambas
Détails de l'architecture
Différences avec Visual Basic
Différences entre Shell et Exec
Distributions et systèmes d'exploitation
Drag & Drop
Gambas, c'est quoi ?
Le modèle objet de Gambas
Le programme s'est arrêté de façon inattendue en levant le signal #11
Listes de diffusion et Forums
Localisation et Internationalisation
Network Programming
Notes de version
Gambas 2.23.0
Gambas 2.23.1
Gambas 2.24.0
Gambas 3.1.0
Gambas 3 RC1
Gambas 3 RC2
Gambas 3 RC3
Gambas 3 RC4
Gambas 3 RC5
Gambas 3 RC6
ODBC Component Documentation
Pages serveur Gambas
Passer Un Argument Par Référence
PCRE Pattern Syntax
Portage de Gambas 2 en Gambas 3
Questions fréquemment posées (FAQ)
Rich Text Syntax
Signaler un problème, un bogue ou un plantage
Tests de performance (benchmarks)
Window Activation & Deactivation
Index de tous les Documents
Index du langage
Manuel du wiki
Messages d'erreur
Wiki License

Gambas 3.1.0

Quoi de neuf?

Cette édition corrige plus de 150 bogues et ajoute plus de 120 nouvelles fonctionnalités.

Toutes les versions de Gambas 3.x seront compatibles avec les précédentes, c. à d. que les programmes écrits en Gambas 3.0 pourra tourner sans changement sur toute version Gambas 3.x. Mais pas le contraire : un programme écrit avec une version spécifique de Gambas 3.x risque de ne pas fonctionner sur une version antérieure.

Remarquez que ceci n’est pris en compte par le paqueteur d’IDE que depuis Gambas 3.1!

Voici une courte liste des principales fonctionnalités et des bogues résolus. De toute manière, je vous suggère de lire le ChangeLog en entier!

Dans l’environnement de développement:

  • Le paqueteur est désormais utilisable et fiable. Les paquets générés on maintenant des dépendances avec la version Gambas supérieure ou égale à 3.1.0 et strictement inférieure à 3.99.0.

  • L’éditeur de formulaire gère maintenant l’annulation et la répétition d’action.

  • Prise en compte des pages Web type ASP.

  • Les bibliothèques peuvent désormais avoir des prérequis, exactement comme les composants.

  • Le débogueur est plus futé : il peut maintenant afficher le contenu de classes semblables à des tableaux ou des collections.

Dans l'interpréteur :

  • CHMOD, CHOWN et CHGRP ont été implémentés.

  • Les fonctions MkBool$#4, MkShort$, MkInt$... font leur retour.

  • Les bibliothèques sont maintenant gérées comme les composants, c. à d. que leurs dépendances ne sont pas chargées automatiquement.

  • L’ancienne instruction GOSUB a été implémentée.

  • La pile de interpréteur est désormais allouée à travers l’appel système mmap(), ce qui la rend très rapide.

Dans le compilateur :

  • Une propriété peut avoir maintenant jusqu’à quatre synonymes.

  • Prise en compte des pages Web type ASP.

Dans les composants :

  • gb.db.forma été corrigé.

  • Le contrôle natif gridview a été remplacé par un contrôle entièrement réalisé en Gambas et amélioré. Ce contrôle peut gérer des millions de lignes sans consommer toute la mémoire.

  • gb.gslest un nouveau composant réalisé par Randall Morgan qui peut fournir une interface à la bibliothèque Scientifique GNU.

  • Control.NoTabFocus est une nouvelle propriété qui empêche un contrôle d’être dans la chaîne de focus de la touche TAB.

  • Dans l’éditeur de code Gambas, la gestion de l’annulation d’action a été corrigée.

Profitez en bien!


* BUG: Explicitely use /bin/bash in the make-component script.
* NEW: Update the TEMPLATE directory and its script.

* BUG: In Report forms, draw ReportImage and ReportSvgImage according to
  their Stretch property.
* BUG: Table chooser works correctly again.
* BUG: Do not try to handle Home and End keys in editors.
* BUG: Fix the translation of error messages made by the debugger.
* BUG: Information system dialog is now better at detecting libraries.
* BUG: Fix some crash in database manager when removing fields or index.
* BUG: Fix background and foreground color buttons order in the icon
* BUG: Do not allow to add source files in the data directory, and data
  files in the source directory.
* BUG: Fix handling of null String[] properties.
* BUG: Fix filters in the file creation dialog.
* BUG: Fix the form editor grid horizontal position.
* BUG: Correctly use the project tabulation size in automatic structure
* BUG: Fix the tips of the day language selection.
* BUG: Changing the number of tabs of a Report works again.
* BUG: Fix a possible crash when the form editor gets a spurious resize
  event whereas undo management has been uninitialized.
* BUG: Correctly handle libraries that depends on more than one component.
* BUG: Pasting text as comments correctly converts tabulations into spaces.
* BUG: Set the focus back to the editor after a paste operation.
* BUG: Try to fix the spurious error that is raised sometimes when clicking
  on a control in the form editor.
* BUG: Make error message tooltips always visible.
* BUG: Fix error when inserting a new form with dialog management option
* BUG: Fix version requirements on components in the packager.
* BUG: Many Shell$() calls were forgotten in the packager code.
* BUG: Don't save cursor position during a text selection.
* BUG: Help browser toolbar now uses the small font size defined in the
  option dialog.
* BUG: The default vendor prefix is now "gambas3" and not "gambas", so that
  component packages are correctly named.
* BUG: Fix extra files and extra dependencies tables in the packager.
* BUG: Fix file information dialog.
* BUG: In the open project dialog, setting the recent files sorting mode
  now correctly takes the filter into account.
* BUG: Fix packages version requirements. Minimal version is the current
  one (3.1) and maximum version is 3.99.0.
* BUG: Fix extra files management in the packager. Workaround a Debian
  design flaw in packaging tools.
* BUG: Do not try to move to a specific line when opening a form.
* BUG: In the packager wizard, check that each extra file has a target
* BUG: Fix the Slackware packaging routine.
* BUG: Autocompletion on ME now works correctly for WebPage.
* BUG: Fix package generation for Mageia.
* BUG: Choosing directories as extra files to package now works correctly
  for RMP, DEB and TGZ packages.
* BUG: Remove PREFIX support in autotools package generation. Currently
  it's buggy AND useless.
* BUG: ArchLinux package now support extra dependencies.
* BUG: Fix a crash when opening a form with a tabstrip, when a "move tab
  button" is pressed.
* BUG: Generation of Archlinux binaries packages in the IDE doesn't check
  dependencies anymore, so they can be built with SVN version also.
* NEW: Use a TabPanel instead of a TabStrip to draw the Report form.
* NEW: Make the grid visible in all form families, and align it correctly
  even in a Report form.
* NEW: Undo & Redo were implemented in the form editor.
* NEW: The port can be defined now in the connection dialog.
* NEW: Global editor position history. Two new buttons and menu entries
  allow to move forward and backward into that history.
* NEW: Add a history popup menu.
* NEW: Support for the new Invert arrangement property.
* NEW: WebPage support.
* NEW: Add gb.gsl to the list of components.
* NEW: Update Catalan translation.
* NEW: Traditional Chinese translation made by Timothy Lin.
* NEW: Libraries now can have requirements exactly like components. This is
  taken into account by the project property dialog.
* NEW: Make project creation dialog and project 'Save As' dialog less
  difficult to understand.
* NEW: Take property synonymous into account.
* NEW: Less flickering when displaying project items.
* NEW: Update czech translation.
* NEW: Update logos.
* NEW: A new panel in the option dialog that allows to define which files
  must be ignored when creating a source package or an installation
* NEW: Update error messages.
* NEW: Font size options has been renamed as "Default font size" and "Small
  font size". The small font size is now used for all toolbars.
* NEW: The help browser proxy can be configured.
* NEW: The debug window has a button to switch between "normal view" and
  "symbol view". In "normal view", array and collection contents are
  displayed. If the object is not an array or a collection, then all
  non-hidden symbols are displayed. In "symbol view", all objects symbols
  are displayed, whatever the object type is.
* NEW: Error messages now can be displayed in normal text editors.
* NEW: Update Brazilian Portuguese translation.
* NEW: Update the alternate background color of all themes.
* NEW: Support for both Mageia and Mandriva.
* NEW: Packager configuration is now saved with a new format in the
  ".project" file. The old format is automatically converted.
* NEW: Check that packagers extra files really exist in the project
* NEW: Packager configuration is now saved even for unchecked target
* NEW: Now you can select directories as packager extra files.
* NEW: Update french translation.
* NEW: Update czech translation
* NEW: Swedish translation updated by Emil Lenngren.
* NEW: Archlinux packages support dependency against a specific component
  version. Other packages use the old behaviour.
* NEW: Archlinux packages now support installation of extra files.

* NEW: @index now can sort pages by ignoring a prefix but by displaying the
  full page title anyway in the index.

* BUG: Add lost files ...
* BUG: Fix the DragNDrop example.
* BUG: Add gb.form to the dependencies of the PictureDatabase example.
* NEW: Port can be defined in the Database example.
* NEW: New MineSweeper example made by Timothy Lin and slightly modified by

* NEW: New N-Poly benchmarks.
* NEW: All benchmarks times were updated on the wiki.

* BUG: EXEC / SHELL ... FOR INPUT now work correctly when OUTPUT is not
  specified, and there is no true terminal to get the data that is not
* BUG: Missing return values are correctly catched in operators now.
* BUG: Terminal emulation now does not automatically convert NL to CR+NL.
* BUG: Fix the declaration of custom array classes.
* BUG: Fix IIf() when its arguments have different types.
* BUG: Fix IIf() when the returned values are objects.
* BUG: Fix bits manipulation routines on Short values.
* BUG: Fix inline array operator when mixing objects and standard
* BUG: Fix the Param array accessor, that returns a specific extra argument
  from its index.
* BUG: Float and Single constants are now supported in native classes.
* BUG: Make date formatting more consistent when the date part or the time
  part is null.
* BUG: The time part of a formatted date is never automatically removed
* BUG: Object.Call() returns its value correctly now.
* BUG: Fix translatable string constants inheritance.
* BUG: Fix enumeration abortion.
* BUG: Convert the return value of a native function to a variant
  automatically only if the function call is done by a "CALL" bytecode.
  Consequently the gb.signal component works again.
* BUG: Constructors that receive too many arguments now correctly raise an
* BUG: CATCH and FINALLY correctly restore the stack pointer. Without that,
  it is possible to use more stack than possible and to crash the
* BUG: Correctly release the stack when dealing with a CATCH / FINALLY
* BUG: Destructors now can safely raise errors. If these errors are
  ignored, the object is released anyway.
* BUG: LINE INPUT does not try to incorrectly release its stream argument
  anymore when there is no stream argument.
* BUG: Adding years with DateAdd() to 29 Feb now switch to 28 Feb not to
  create invalid dates if the result is not in a leap year.
* BUG: Fix structure field padding.
* BUG: Fix String.Mid$() when the third argument goes after the string
* BUG: Fix String.Left$() when the second argument is greater than the
  string length.
* BUG: INPUT does not leak memory anymore.
* BUG: RDir() now browse directories recursively even if the filter
  argument is gb.File.
* BUG: IIf() and [...] do not accept non-value datatypes (Class and
* BUG: In memory checking routines, take previous SIGSEGV and SIGBUS signal
  handlers into account now.
* NEW: Define a minimum and maximum bytecode version that the interpreter
  can handle.
* NEW: New error message when a child process cannot be run for any reason.
* NEW: System.FullVersion now returns the full version string, with major,
  minor and release.
* NEW: Chmod, Chown and Chgrp were implemented.
* NEW: Stat.Auth is a new property that returns the file mode as a string,
  using the format of the 'chmod' shell command.
* NEW: Rmdir raises a specific 'Directory is not empty' error now, when
  trying to remove a non-empty directory.
* NEW: The Html$() function now converts unicode non-breaking space (code
  160) in a " " entity.
* NEW: IsNan() is a new function that returns if a floating point value is
  not a number.
* NEW: IsInf() is a new function that returns +1 if a floating point value
  is +Inf, -1 if it is -Inf, and 0 if it is a normal number.
* NEW: Swap$() is a new function that swaps a string.
* NEW: The MkBool$(), MkShort$(), MkInt$()... functions come back!
* NEW: System.Shell is a new property that allows to define the shell used
  by the Shell instruction. By default, this is '/bin/sh'.
* NEW: Loading a library does not load its dependencies automatically
  anymore. Now they behave like components, and the IDE will have to
  compute the dependencies.
* NEW: Formatting a date with gb.GeneralDate now always prints the time.
* NEW: GB.RaiseBegin() and GB.RaiseEnd() are two new intepreter APIs that
  allow to define a callback that will be called if an exception is raised
  during a call to GB.Raise().
* NEW: 't' and 'tt' are two new date formatting patterns that display the
* NEW: New GOSUB instruction. You return from a GOSUB with the RETURN
  instruction alone. Consequently, you cannot exit from a 'SUB' with it if
  there is a pending GOSUB. The GOSUB stack is only limited by the
  available memory.
* NEW: INPUT now only read strings. It does not convert the read string
  with Val() anymore.
* NEW: The debugger now can display collection-like objects. An object can
  be displayed like a collection if it has a Count property, is enumerable,
  has a _get special method taking a string, and has a Key property that
  returns the key of the last enumerated element.
* OPT: Optimize IIf() when its two last arguments have the same datatype.
* OPT: A little optimization in Space$(), Upper$() and Lower$().
* OPT: EXEC / SHELL ... TO does not return the process output through a
  temporary string that will be freed later. If the string is big, then
  the memory is retained longer than necessary.
* OPT: Use mmap() to allocated the stack, not malloc(). Consequently,
  calling functions recursively are now very fast.
* OPT: A little optimization in LINE INPUT.

* BUG: Don't print a line number greater than the number of lines in the
  compiled file when displaying an error message.
* NEW: Chmod <path> To <mode> was implemented. <mode> is a string having
  the same format as the 'chmod' shell command.
* NEW: Chown <path> To <user> was implemented. <user> is the name of the
  user as defined in the /etc/passwd file.
* NEW: Chgrp <path> To <group> was implemented. <user> is the name of the
  group as defined in the /etc/group file.
* NEW: Start supporting WebPage.
* NEW: +Inf and -Inf are two new keywords for representing the
  corresponding special floating values.
* NEW: A property now can has up to four different names. The syntax is:
  "Property Name [ , Synonymous1, ..., Synonymous3 ] As Datatype".
* NEW: Raise an error now when using TRY with GOTO, BREAK, CONTINUE or
* NEW: New GOSUB instruction.
* NEW: New FAST keyword.
* NEW: Support of WebPage compilation.

* NEW: Put the '.component' file inside archives, so that the IDE can
  extract libraries requirements from the executable.

* BUG: Fix compilation of inline class declarations.

* BUG: Table.Type property now correctly handle null table types.
* BUG: Result.Update() now does not emit an incorrect request when the
  result has not been modified. It just does nothing.
* NEW: Support for port in a connection defined in the IDE.
* NEW: Connection.Handle is a new property that returns the
  database-specific internal handle.

* BUG: The DataBrowser and DataView controls have been fixed. There is only
  one problem to fix that depends on a gb.gtk bug.
* BUG: Fix a crash in DataView when it has no current row.
* BUG: DataBrowser: Clicking on the delete button does not delete two
  records anymore.
* BUG: DataBrowser: Saving a new record now correctly takes into account
  the currently edited field.
* NEW: DataBrowser.Grid is a new property to define the grid visibility.

* BUG: Void blobs are correctly reset when enumerating a Result.

* BUG: Fix DBus method call when the method returns nothing. If there is an
  error, it is correctly raised.
* BUG: Fix memory leaks in DBus error management.
* BUG: Fix DBusObserver matching rules handling.

* NEW: The debugger now can display collection-like objects. An object can
  be displayed like a collection if it has a Count property, is enumerable,
  has a _get special method taking a string, and has a Key property that
  returns the key of the last enumerated element.

* BUG: Desktop.Width and Desktop.Height are not overridden anymore.

* BUG: Accessing a temporarily closed drawing device now raises an error
  instead of crashing.
* BUG: Rect class can be used as a fonction correctly now.
* BUG: Setting Draw.Font to NULL does not crash anymore, and raise an error

* BUG: Fix analyze of non-terminated strings and quoted symbols that could

* BUG: 'undefined' is a javascript keyword.
* NEW: Support for server-side comment syntax in WebPage highlight routine.
* NEW: Update WebPage highlighting, and handle the new syntaxes.

* BUG: The last pixels of a TabPanel button are clickable now.
* BUG: Fix ValueBox in design mode.
* BUG: Fix ListContainer control.
* BUG: Fix ToolPanel Index value when decreasing the Count property.
* BUG: The TableView editing field is now never larger than the TableView
* BUG: ButtonBox background is correctly drawn with gb.gtk.
* NEW: TabPanel buttons take a bit less space.
* NEW: Little fix in TabPanel button layout.
* NEW: FileChooser.ShowFile is a new property to hide or show the textbox
  that displays the file name.
* NEW: FileChooser got a new Margin property, that adds a margin around the
  FileChooser controls when set.
* NEW: Update Catalan translation.
* NEW: Wizard: Remove padding around contents when the wizard has no
* NEW: Make a GridView control entirely in Gambas. Contrary to its native
  implementation, it can handle millions of lines without eating all
* NEW: GridView.ShowCursor is a new property that displays a light cursor
  around the current cell when set.
* NEW: IconPanel now uses a GridView and not an IconView anymore.
* NEW: GridView.Rows.Select and Unselect methods now selects (or unselects)
  one line if their second argument is omitted.
* NEW: GridView: Setting the column width to -1 make it fit its contents.
* NEW: GridView: Double-clicking on the right limit of a column make it
  fit its contents.
* NEW: The stock icon named "earth" has been renamed as "internet".
* NEW: GridView[].EnsureVisible now keeps the left part of the cell always
* NEW: GridView columns have two new properties: Alignment and Background.
* NEW: GridView.Sort and GridView.Ascending are two new properties to
  define which column shows a sort symbol.
* NEW: GridView.Sorted is a new property to automatically handle column
  clicks and display the sort symbol.
* NEW: You can now find IconView items by directly typing their name while
  the control has the focus.
* NEW: Use a mix between Color.LightBackground and Color.TextBackground form
  the Balloon background.

* NEW: Take the new Dialog.ShowHidden property into account.

* BUG: Fix ToolBar behaviour when none of its children has an action.

* BUG: Do not require gb.gtk, so that compilation does not fail if gb.gtk
  is not available.

* NEW: New component made by Randall Morgan that will provide an interface
  to the GNU Scientific Library. The basic math functions are mostly
  complete as well as the basic complex number functions.

* BUG: Stopping a file descriptor watch now correctly checks if the event
  loop must be exited.
* BUG: Fix Cached DrawingArea having a border.
* BUG: Make gb.gtk compile with GTK+ versions older than 2.18.
* BUG: Correctly handle GotFocus and LostFocus events for proxies.
* BUG: Now raise an error when using text-box methods on read-only
* BUG: Dialog.SelectDirectory() now correctly takes into account
* BUG: Fix Dialog.ShowHidden.
* BUG: The TreeView/ListView/ColumnView Click event now should behave the
  same way as in gb.qt4.
* BUG: The inner container of a UserContainer is now automatically its
  proxy control.
* BUG: If the DrawingArea Draw event handler raises an error, then the
  interpreter should not crash anymore.
* BUG: Mouse events are now cancelable, like in gb.qt4, so that proxies can
  prevent their propagation.
* BUG: Draw checked menu items correctly.
* BUG: GTK+ callbacks must return a gboolean, not a bool. The C++ compiler
  does not compile the same thing in both cases!
* BUG: Remove some debugging messages.
* BUG: Handle GTK+ events, but not Gambas posted routines when setting the
  application busy cursor.
* BUG: Fix container children management.
* BUG: Fix TabStrip management.
* BUG: Try to handle the Menu event the same way as in gb.qt4.
* BUG: Do not try to change the background color of menus. It breaks GTK+
  widget style like Ambiance.
* BUG: The print output file name is correctly unescaped now.
* BUG: Try to handle Leave/Enter events the same way as in gb.qt4.
* NEW: GTK+ 2.16 is now required.
* NEW: Containers now have a new Invert property, that reverts horizontal
* NEW: Dialog.ShowHidden is a new property to show or hide hidden files. It
  does not work on GTK+ at the moment. Is it a GTK+ bug?
* NEW: Control.NoTabFocus is a new property that prevents a control from
  being in the TAB key focus chain.
* NEW: Font.Copy() is a new method to copy a font object.
* NEW: GTK+ GridView has been removed.
* NEW: The Container Insert event has been renamed as NewChild.
* NEW: Align.IsTop(), Align.IsBottom(), Align.IsMiddle(), Align.IsLeft(),
  Align.IsRight() and Align.Center() are new methods that allow to know the
  direction of an alignment according to the current language direction.

* BUG: Image.Colorize() now takes the color brightness into account.

* BUG: Fix allocation of initial FtpClient URL.

* BUG: Correctly handle GotFocus and LostFocus events for proxies.
* BUG: Correctly handle Menu events for proxies.
* BUG: DrawingArea: Visible property now works correctly when the Cached
  property is set.
* BUG: DrawingArea: Fix crash when setting the Cached property to True,
  then to False.
* BUG: Drag & drop is allowed when the DragMove *or* the Drop events are
* BUG: The inner container of a UserContainer is now automatically its
  proxy control.
* BUG: If the DrawingArea Draw event handler raises an error, then the
  interpreter should not crash anymore.
* BUG: Fix Draw.RichTextWidth() by rounding the internal floating point
  width up.
* BUG: Do not crash when UserControl or UserContainer container is deleted.
* BUG: Delete the Qt4 application class in component exit routine,
  otherwise Qt 4.8 seems to crash sometimes.
* BUG: If a form is defined as being not visible, then using it as a
  startup form won't show it.
* BUG: Fix ToolButton text and picture alignment.
* BUG: Enter and Leave events are now correctly generated from a window
  that has been opened with the ShowPopup() method.
* BUG: Workaround an Oxygen bug with ScrollView borders.
* BUG: Setting ScrollView.Border correctly refreshes the scrollbars now.
* BUG: Fix cached DrawingArea updates.
* BUG: Fix the Enter/Leave events management so that Enter events are
  correctly generated when a control is destroyed.
* NEW: Containers now have a new Invert property, that reverts horizontal
* NEW: Dialog.ShowHidden is a new property to show or hide hidden files.
* NEW: Control.NoTabFocus is a new property that prevents a control from
  being in the TAB key focus chain.
* NEW: Font.Copy() is a new method to copy a font object.
* NEW: Qt4 GridView has been removed.
* NEW: The Container Insert event has been renamed as NewChild.
* NEW: Align.IsTop(), Align.IsBottom(), Align.IsMiddle(), Align.IsLeft(),
  Align.IsRight() and Align.Center() are new methods that allow to know the
  direction of an alignment according to the current language direction.
* NEW: Do not display translation warning anymore when choosing the "C"
  translation. Just uninstall the current translation (if any) silently.
* OPT: Make part of the internal widget structure optional to save a bit of
  memory when rarely used properties are not set.

* BUG: Disable kerning when drawing text in Editor.
* BUG: Editor: Fix cursor management when the file end is folded.
* BUG: Editor cursor is ensured to be visible when it is visible, not when
  it has just the focus.
* BUG: Fix an uninitialized field in Editor internal GLine class.
* BUG: Fix bad interactions between highlighting and undo management.
* NEW: Make bold text more readable in Editor.
* NEW: Editor: Do not highlight the current line when losing the focus.

* NEW: WebSettings.DefaultProxy is a new constant for using the default
  proxy configuration.

* BUG: Fix compilation on Windows/Cygwin.

* NEW: Compile with success on FreeBSD.

* BUG: Fix compilation on Windows/Cygwin.

* BUG: Setting a Request value to NULL now works as expected.
* NEW: Url.Encode() and Url.Decode() now replace CGI.Encode() and
* NEW: Add two new static methods, URL.SetQuery() and URL.UnsetQuery() to
  set and unset a field inside the URL query.
* NEW: WebPage support is official.
* NEW: WebPage.Buffered is a new property to tell the generated HTML to be
  buffered  by using the Response.Buffered property.


Pour compiler Gambas, vous devez installer les bibliothèques suivantes sur votre système :

Composants Nécessitent
Compilation gcc g++ automake autoconf libtool > 2.4
(Voir les nécessités pour les versions autotools ci dessous)
Interpreteur libffi
gb.cairo cairo
gb.gtk Toutes les bibliothèques GTK+ >= 2.14 cairo gdk-pixbuf
gb.image.imlib imlib
gb.opengl gb.opengl.glsl,
gb.qt4 gb.qt4.ext gb.qt4.opengl gb.qt4.webkit Toutes les bibliothèques qt 4 >= Qt 4.5
gb.v4l,,Video4Linux >= 2.0
gb.xml libxml-2.0
gb.xml.xslt libxslt

Et n’oubliez pas d’installer tous les paquets de développement relatifs!

Essayez de toujours utiliser une version récente de ces bibliothèques.

Pour compiler l’environnement de développement, vous devez compiler les composants suivants : Vous devez avoir les droits en écriture dans /tmp, sinon Gambas ne fonctionnera pas.

Ce paquet a été réalisé sur Ubuntu 11.10 avec les versions suivantes des outils GNU :
  • automake 1.11.1

  • autoconf 2.68

  • libtool 2.4

Compiler avec des versions plus anciennes peut ou ne peut pas fonctionner!

Compilation & Installation

Vérifier l’installation

Vérifiez d’abord que vous avez installé toutes les bibliothèques nécessaires et tout spécialement les paquets de développement.

N’oubliez pas de consulter la page Compilation et installation. Vous y trouverez peut être d’importantes informations spécifiques à votre distribution.

Configuration du paquet Source

Une fois assuré que tout est installé, tapez les phrases magiques suivantes dans une console :

'$' représente votre invite shell, et '...' les messages affichés pendant la configuration et la compilation.

Tapez d’abord ceci pour créer les scripts de configuration.

$ ./reconf-all

Puis cela pour analyser le système en cours et configurer le paquet :

$ ./configure -C

Si une bibliothèque ou un paquet de développement fait défaut, vous serez avertis que certains composants sont désactivés.

Il y a des explications plus spécifiques à 'configure' dans le fichier INSTALL situé au niveau supérieur du répertoire source. Je vous invite à les lire.


Si tout est configuré sans erreur, lancez cette commande pour compiler le programme :

$ make


Si tout est compilé sans erreur, entrez cette commande pour tout installer :

Vous devez être root pour installer Gambas sur votre système.

$ su -c "make install"
Password: <Type the root password here>


$ sudo make install
Password: <Type your password here>


Si vous avez réalisé plusieurs compilations successives, après avoir mis à jour les sources depuis le dépôt subversion par exemple, et si quelque chose a échoué pendant tout ce processus, vous pouvez essayer de "reconfigurer" les scripts de configuration en entrant la commande suivante :

$ ./reconf-all

Puis vous pouvez exécuter à nouveau ./configure -C .

Si ça ne fonctionne toujours pas, il me faut savoir ce qui s’est passé exactement. Pour ce faire, tapez ce qui suit :

$ ( ./configure -C; make; make install ) > output.txt 2>&1

Et transmettez-moi le fichier "output.txt" par mail, avec tout autre détail concernant votre machine et votre distribution qui vous semblera utile.

Exécuter Gambas

Si tout s’est bien passé, tapez "gambas3" pour lancer l’environnement de développement.

Profitez en bien!

Voir aussi