
Count = DateDiff ( Date1 AS Date , Date2 AS Date , Period AS Integer ) AS Integer

Returns the number of periods between two dates.

  • Date1 is the start date.

  • Date2 is the end date.

  • Period is the kind of period: year, month, day, week...

The number of periods is returned.

Period can be one of the following constants:

Constant Effect
gb.Millisecond Returns the number of milliseconds.
gb.Second Returns the number of seconds.
gb.Minute Returns the number of minutes.
gb.Hour Returns the number of hours.
gb.Day Returns the number of days.
gb.Week Returns the number of weeks.
gb.WeekDay Returns the number of week days (ignores Saturday and Sunday).
gb.Month Returns the number of months.
gb.Quarter Returns the number of quarters.
gb.Year Returns the number of years.

Only entire periods are returned. The result is rounded down.


PRINT DateDiff("01/02/2005 12:55:00", "01/01/2005", gb.Day)

This example shows how DateDiff works internally.
DIM date1 AS Date
DIM date2 AS Date
DIM fDiff AS Float
DIM iDiff AS Integer

date1 = Date(1964, 02, 28, 0, 29, 0
date2 = Date(1964, 03, 01, 030, 0) ' one minute more than two days
fDiff = CFloat(date2) - CFloat(date1)
iDiff = Int(fDiff * 24)
PRINT "first  : "; fdiff; "  int:"; idiff; "  DateDiff:"; DateDiff(date1, date2, gb.Hour)
date1 = Date(1964, 02, 28, 0, 30, 0
date2 = Date(1964, 03, 01, 029, 0) ' one minute less than two days
fDiff = CFloat(date2) - CFloat(date1)
iDiff = Int(fDiff * 24)
PRINT "second : "; fdiff; "  int:"; idiff; "  DateDiff:"; DateDiff(date1, date2, gb.Hour)
first  : 2.000694444403  int:48  DateDiff:48
second : 1.999305555597  int:47  DateDiff:47

See also