Test (gb.test)

The class Test is the central class which orchestrates the execution of tests and also gives a couple of tools to manipulate running tests.

Questa classe è statica.

Questa classe è enumerabile staticamente con la parola chiave FOR EACH.

NO_PLAN   Special value for unspecified test plan

Metodi statici
AllTests   Returns a comma separated string with all tests of the project in the same way Test.Main() wants it.
AllTestsCollection   Returns an collection of all the testmodules and their tests of the project. Key is the name of the testmodule, Value is a string array with the names of the tests it contains
BailOut   Prints "Bail out!" to Stdout and stops all testing immediately.
Diagnostic   Synonym for Note, prints Comment with leading #
IntendedFailure   If the next assertion is a failure it reports ok. In other words: Reverses the result of the following assertion.
Main   The static procedure Test.Main() runs tests. By default it runs all tests (aka testmethods) in all testmodules of a project ordered by name and prints the result to stdout.
Note   Synonym for Diagnostic, prints Comment with leading #
Plan   Plan the number of assertions within a test method. If the number is not correct, the test fails.
SKIP   Tell the testing system that a test is skipped. Reports ok.
SkipAll   Skip the current test.
TODO   Tell the testing system that the next assertion is a TODO. Even if it fails it reports ok, but will be reported as Todo. If the next assertion does not fail, it will be reported as bonus.