TestStats (gb.test)

Questa classe è creabile.

BailMessage   If BailedOut, this contains the optional attached message
BailedOut   Whether the test bailed out (aborted gracefully)
Bonus   Number of Todo tests which passed
Delta   Difference between planned and run tests
Ended   When the test ended
ExitCode   Exit status of the test process
Failed   Number of failed tests (not accounting for Todo or Skipped ones)
Lines   A copy of the TAP stream
Name   Name of the test
Passed   Number of successful tests (not accounting for Todo or Skipped ones)
Plan   Test range
Planned   Number of tests planned
Run   Number of run tests
Skipped   Number of skipped tests
SkippedAll   Whether the entire test was skipped
Started   When the test started
Subtests   Object representation of every assertion
Success   Whether the test was successful (all tests passed and at least one test was executed)
Todo   Number of tested marked as to-do
Version   TAP version in use