JSON (gb.util.web)

This class allows you to decode and encode the JSON format. See http://www.json.org for more information.

Questa classe è statica.

Proprietà statiche
Null   This property represents a JSON null value.

Metodi statici
Decode   Decodes a json string and returns it as a Gambas value.
Encode   Encodes a Gambas value into a json string and returns it.
FromString   Decodes a json string and returns it as a Gambas value.
ToString   Encodes a Gambas value into a json string and returns it.

The mapping between JSON elements and Gambas datatypes is the following:

JSON syntax JSON element Gambas datatype
{ "string": value , ... } Object Collection
[ value, ... ] Array Variant[]
"..." String UTF-8 String
-123.45E+6 Number Integer / Long / Float
true / false Boolean constant Boolean
null The null constant NULL or JSON.Null