Process (gb.util)

Dal 3.15

This class is used for managing processes launched by the EXEC or SHELL instructions.

The gb.util component overrides it to allow to detect prompts emitted by the process on its standard output, and answer them accordingly, through the Expect method and the Prompt event.

Questa classe reimplementa Process in gb.

Questa classe è creabile.

Costanti ereditate
Crashed   Constant used by the State property to indicate a crashed process.
Running   Constant used by the State property to indicate a running process.
Signaled   A synonymous for the Crashed constant.
Stopped   Constant used by the State property to indicate a stopped process.

Proprietà statiche ereditate
LastState   Returns the state of the last terminated process.
LastValue   Returns the return value of the last terminated process.

Proprietà ereditate
Blocking   Returns or sets if the stream is blocking.
ByteOrder   Returns or sets the byte order used to read or write binary data to the stream.
EndOfFile   This property signals whether the last use of LINE INPUT reached the end of file, instead of reading a full line with an end-of-line character.
EndOfLine   Return or set the newline separator used by this stream.
Eof   Return if a stream reached its end.
Handle   Returns the process identifier (a.k.a "pid") of the process object.
Id   A synonymous for Handle.
Ignore   Return or set if the process is ignored.
IsTerm   Return if a stream is associated with a terminal.
Lines   Returns a virtual object that allows you to enumerate a stream line by line.
NullTerminatedString   Return or set if strings are null-terminated when they are serialized.
State   Returns the current state of the process object:
Tag   Returns or sets the tag associated with the stream.
Term   Return a virtual object that allows to manage the terminal associated with the stream.
Value   Returns the value returned by the process when it exited, or the number of the emitted signal if it crashed.

Expect   Tell which answer must be sent when a specific prompt is emitted by the process on its standard input.

Metodi ereditati
Begin   Start to buffer data written to the stream, so that everything will be sent when the Send method is called.
Close   Closes the stream.
CloseInput   Closes the process input stream.
Drop   Drop the data that has been buffered since the last call to the Begin method.
Kill   Kills the process immediately.
ReadLine   Read a line of text from the stream, like the LINE INPUT instruction.
Send   Send all the data, in one shot, since the last call to Begin.
Signal   Sends a user signal to the process.
Wait   Waits for the end of the process, like the WAIT option in SHELL and EXEC instructions.
Watch   Start or stop watching the stream file descriptor for reading or writing, after it has been opened.

Prompt   This event is raised when a prompt specified by the Expect method has been detected on the standard output of the process.

Eventi ereditati
Error   Raised when there is data to be read on the standard error output of the process.
Kill   Raised when the process has terminated, normally or abnormally.
Read   Raised when there is data to be read from the standard output of the process.


Here is how to easily pilot the scp utility with the Expect method:

Dim hProcess As Process
Dim sPassword As String = "BigSecret"
hProcess = Shell "scp /all/that/stuff/* login@server:~/here" For Input Output As "Process"
' Handle the message emitted when the server is unknown
hProcess.Expect("(yes/no*)?", "yes")
' Any emitted string ending with a colon is supposed to be the password prompt
hProcess.Expect(":", sPassword)
' Wait for the process to terminate