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Greek secondary education teachers have the obligation to prepare a report for every student that exceeds the legal limit of absences and post it at their families in a monthly basis. In that report a detailed description of their absences should be appear as well as a short description of their behavior.

It may sound trivial to count absences, however in Greek school system absences fall into 5 categories (unexcused, excused by parent, absences due to illness, absences with a permission of a teacher and expulsion due to bad behavior) thus eventually it is not an easy task to do, especially at late months of the school year.

Apousiologos is an application written in Gambas 3, with the purpose to make the counting for the teacher, prepare the necessary report for him/her, and export each report in html or csv format for printing or further editing if necessary.

Since, it is not known what are the similarities of the greek school attendance legislation with other countries it is not clear whether it makes sense to provide also an english (or other language) version of the application.

However, if someone feels that this application would help teachers from another country he/she is welcome to contact me for details.

Author Epaminondas Diamantopoulos
License GPL v3