Konverzní funkce

CBool Converts a value to a Boolean.
CByte Converts a value to a Byte.
CDate Converts a value to a Date.
CFloat Converts a value to a Float.
CInt Converts a value to an Integer.
CLong Converts a value to a Long.
Conv$ Converts a string from a charset to another charset.
CShort Converts a value to a Short.
/wiki/lang/csng Converts a value to a Single.
CStr Converts a value to a String.
CVariant Converts a value to a Variant.

Unknown command @{only-in}
DConv$ Converts a string from the system charset to (the desktop charset).
SConv$ Converts a string from (the desktop charset) to the system charset.
Str$ Converts a number or a date into a string.
Val Converts a string into a number or a date.