CairoTextExtents (gb.cairo)

This class stores the extents of a single glyph or a string of glyphs in user-space coordinates.

Because text extents are in user-space coordinates, they are mostly, but not entirely, independent of the current transformation matrix. If you call Cairo.Scale(2.0, 2.0), text will be drawn twice as big, but the reported text extents will not be doubled. They will change slightly due to hinting (so you can't assume that metrics are independent of the transformation matrix), but otherwise will remain unchanged.

Этот класс создаваемый.

Height   Return the height of the glyphs as drawn.
Width   Return the width of the glyphs as drawn.
XAdvance   Return the distance to advance in the X direction after drawing these glyphs.
XBearing   Return the horizontal distance from the origin to the leftmost part of the glyphs as drawn.
YAdvance   Return the distance to advance in the Y direction after drawing these glyphs.
YBearing   Return the vertical distance from the origin to the topmost part of the glyphs as drawn.