Highlight (gb.eval)

This class provides some useful features for analyzing and highlighting a line of Gambas code.

Этот класс статический.

Added   This constant represents the style used for added lines, usually in "diff" files.
Alternate   This constant represents the style used for drawing an alternate background.
Background   This constant represents the style of the editor background.
Breakpoint   This constant represents the style used for drawing a line with a breakpoint.
Comment   This constant represents the style used for drawing comments.
Constant   This constant represents the style used for drawing constants.
Current   This constant represents the style used for drawing the next line to be executed.
CurrentLine   This constant represents the style used for highlighting the current line.
Custom   This constant is the first value that can be used for custom styles indexes.
DataType   This constant represents the style used for drawing datatypes.
Error   This constant represents the style used for drawing syntactically incorrect text.
Escape   This constant represents the style used for drawing escaped characters inside strings.
Function   This constant represents the style used for drawing subroutines, i.e. predefined functions.
Help   This constant represents the style used for drawing help lines.
Highlight   This constant represents the style used for drawing matching braces or brackets.
Keyword   This constant represents the style used for drawing keywords.
Label   This constant represents the style used for drawing labels.
Normal   This constant represents the style used for drawing normal text or text without syntax highlighting.
Number   This constant represents the style used for drawing numbers.
Operator   This constant represents the style used for drawing operators.
Preprocessor   This constant represents the style used for drawing preprocessor commands.
Removed   This constant represents the style used for removed lines, usually in "diff" files.
Selection   This constant represents the style used for drawing selected text.
String   This constant represents the style used for drawing strings.
Symbol   This constant represents the style used for drawing symbols.

Статические свойства
IsFunction   Return if the Analyze method detected a method declaration.
LengthBefore   Return how many characters were analyzed by the Analyze method before the possible rewrite.
Positions   Returns the position of each token, in bytes, after a call to the Analyze method.
Symbols   Returns the result of the Analyze method as an array of string tokens.
TextAfter   Returns the rewritten code line after a call to the Analyze method.
Types   Returns the type of each token after a call to the Analyze method.

Статические методы
Analyze   Analyzes a Gambas code line.
Purge   Removes comments and/or strings from a Gambas code line.