Balloon (gb.form)

This class displays a message and an optional icon inside a balloon using the tooltip colors.

It is intended to replace the Message class by a less disturbing GUI element.

Этот класс статический.

Этот класс может быть использован как статическая функция.

Статические свойства
Control   Returns the control the balloon points at, or NULL if no balloon is displayed.
Delay   Returns or sets the number of milliseconds the balloon is displayed.
Font   Returns or sets the balloon text font.
Visible   Return TRUE if the ballon is visible.

Статические методы
Delete   Displays a message with a trash icon in a balloon using the systems tooltip colors.
Error   Displays a message with an error icon in a balloon using the systems tooltip colors.
Hide   Explicitely hides the balloon.
Info   Displays a message in a balloon using the systems tooltip colors.
Question   Displays a message with a question icon in a balloon using the systems tooltip colors.
Warning   Displays a message with a warning icon in a balloon using the systems tooltip colors.

A Balloon.Info() message will be called when calling this class directly.


Balloon(Message As String, Control As Control [ , X As Integer, Y As Integer ])

See Info for more details.

Поскольку 3.16

You can change the look by setting the Color.TooltipBackground and Color.TooltipForeground properties.