Gsl (gb.gsl)

This class provides useful mathematical functions and constants.

Questa classe è statica.

E   The base of exponentials, e = Exp(1).
EULER   Euler’s constant, γ.
INV2_PI   Twice the reciprocal of pi, 2/π = 2 / Pi.
INV2_SQRTPI   Two divided by the square root of pi, 2/√π = 2 / Sqr(Pi).
INV_PI   The reciprocal of pi, 1/π = 1 / Pi.
LN10   The natural logarithm of ten, ln(10) = Log(10).
LN2   The natural logarithm of two, ln(2) = Log(2).
LNPI   The natural logarithm of pi, ln(π) = Log(Pi).
LOG10E   The base-10 logarithm of e, log10(e) = Log10(Exp(1)).
LOG2E   The base-2 logarithm of e, log2(e) = Log2(Exp(1)).
PI   The constant pi, π = Pi.
SQRT1_2   The square root of one-half, √ 1/2 = Sqr(0.5).
SQRT2   The square root of two, √2 = Sqr(2).
SQRT3   The square root of three, √3 = Sqr(3).
SQRTPI   The square root of π, √/π/ = Sqr(Pi).

Metodi statici
Acosh   This function computes the value of arccosh(x).
Asinh   This function computes the value of arcsinh(x).
Atanh   This function computes the value of arctanh(x).
Expm1   This function computes the value of exp(x) − 1 in a way that is accurate for small x.
Fcmp   This function determines whether X and Y are approximately equal to a relative accuracy epsilon E.
Frexp   This function splits the number X into its normalized fraction F and exponent E, such that X = F * (2 ^ E) and 0.5 < F < 1.
Hypot   This function computes the value of √( x ² + y ²) in a way that avoids overflow.
Hypot3   This function computes the value of √( x ² + y ² + z ²) in a way that avoids overflow.
IsFinite   This function returns TRUE if X is a real number, and FALSE if it is infinite or not-a-number.
IsInf   This function returns +1 if X is positive infinity, −1 if X is negative infinity and 0 otherwise.
IsNan   This function returns TRUE if X is not-a-number.
Ldexp   This function computes the value of X * (2 ^ E).
Log1p   This function computes the value of log(1 + x) in a way that is accurate for small x.