Color (gb.gui)

Esta clase reimplementa Color en gb.image.

Esta clase es estática.

Esta clase se puede usar como un/una función estática.

Esta clase actúa com un array estático de sólo lectura.

Inherited constants
Black   Numeric value representing the black color.
Blue   Numeric value representing the blue color.
Cyan   Numeric value representing the cyan color.
DarkBlue   Numeric value representing the dark blue color.
DarkCyan   Numeric value representing the dark cyan color.
DarkGray   Numeric value representing the dark gray color.
DarkGreen   Numeric value representing the dark green color.
DarkMagenta   Numeric value representing the dark magenta color.
DarkOrange   Numeric value representing the dark orange color.
DarkPurple   Numeric value representing the dark purple color.
DarkRed   Numeric value representing the dark red color.
DarkRoyal   Numeric value representing the dark royal blue color.
DarkViolet   Numeric value representing the dark violet color.
DarkYellow   Numeric value representing the dark yellow color.
Default   Numeric value representing the "default color" of whatever it's applied to.
Gray   Numeric value representing the gray color.
Green   Numeric value representing the green color.
LightGray   Numeric value representing the light gray color.
Magenta   Numeric value representing the magenta color.
Orange   Numeric value representing the orange color.
Pink   Numeric value representing the pink color.
Purple   Numeric value representing the purple color.
Red   Numeric value representing the red color.
Royal   Numeric value representing the royal blue color.
SoftBlue   Numeric value representing a soft blue color.
SoftCyan   Numeric value representing a soft cyan color.
SoftGreen   Numeric value representing a soft green color.
SoftMagenta   Numeric value representing a soft magenta color.
SoftOrange   Numeric value representing a soft orange color.
SoftPurple   Numeric value representing a soft purple color.
SoftRed   Numeric value representing a soft red color.
SoftRoyal   Numeric value representing a soft royal blue color.
SoftViolet   Numeric value representing a soft violet color.
SoftYellow   Numeric value representing a soft yellow color.
Transparent   Numeric value indicating that the object is to be drawn transparently, if supported.
Violet   Numeric value representing the purple color.
White   Numeric value representing the white color.
Yellow   Numeric value representing the yellow color.

Propiedades estáticas

Métodos estáticos

Inherited static methods
Blend   Blends the Source color into the Destination color, according to the alpha channel of both colors, and returns the resulting color.
Darker   Returns a darker version of a color.
Desaturate   Return the specified color desaturated, i.e. grayed.
Distance   Return the RGB distance between two colors as a floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0.
GetAlpha   Return the alpha component of the specified color.
Gradient   Return a color that is the RGB mean between Color1 and Color2
HSV   Returns a color value from its hue, saturation, value and alpha components.
Invert   Invert a color and return it.
Lighter   Returns a lighter version of a color.
Merge   Returns a mix between Color1 and Color2.
RGB   Returns a color value from its red, green, blue and alpha components.
SetAlpha   Change the alpha component of a color and return it.
SetHSV   Set the HSVA components of the specified color and returns it as an integer value.
SetRGB   Set the RGBA components of the specified color and returns it as an integer value.
ToHTML   Return the HTML representation of the color.