
This component will load one GUI component between gb.qt4, gb.qt5, gb.qt6, gb.gtk or gb.gtk3, according to the current desktop in use.

  • If you use KDE 4, then gb.qt4 will be loaded.

  • If you use KDE 5, then gb.qt5 will be loaded.

  • If you use KDE 6, then gb.qt6 will be loaded.

  • In all other cases, gb.gtk3 or gb.gtk will be loaded.

If the GB_GUI environmental variable is defined, then gb.gui will load the component specified in it, whatever desktop is currently used.

For example. running this in a terminal or using it as the command string for a launcher icon.

env GB_GUI=gb.qt5 gambas3

As the gambas3 IDE itself uses gb.gui this command will make it use the qt5 toolkit not the default gtk3 (providing your system has both gtk3 and qt5).

See the gb.qt4 component for the documentation of classes.

Автор Benoît Minisini.
Реализации Управление графическими формами, Управление циклом событий, Загрузка и сохранение изображений.
Требования gb.image.

See also