MongoCollection (gb.mongodb)

This class Implements a MongoDB collection.

Deze klasse erft _MongoCollection.

Deze klasse is creëerbaar.

Deze klasse reageert als een leesbaar / schrijf reeks.

Overgeërfde eigenschappen
Client   Return the MongoClient object associated with the collection.
Count   Return the number of documents stored in the collection.
Indexes   Return a virtual object for manipulating the collection indexes.
Name   Return the name of the collection.

GetNextSerial   Return the next serial number associated with the collection, starting from 1.

Overgeërfde methoden
Add   Insert a new document into the collection.
Delete   Remove some documents from the collection, or drop the entire collection.
Exist   Return if a specific document exists, from its identifier.
Find   Return the identifiers of the documents matching a specific query.
Query   Return the documents of the collection matching a specific query.
Remove   Remove a specific document from the collection.
Replace   Replace one document matching the specified query.