Net (

Constants for the Pop3Client class.

Esta clase reimplementa Net en

Esta clase es estática.

None   Uses a plain-text connection.
SSL   Encrypts the connection using OpenSSL, provided it is available.

Inherited constants
Accepting   This constant shows that a remote client is trying to connect with a server socket, and that the connection is being accepted.
Active   This constant shows that a network object is working at this moment.
CannotAuthenticate   Const CannotAuthenticate As Integer = -16
CannotBindInterface   This error constant means that binding a serversocket to a specific interface failed.
CannotBindSocket   This constant reflects that a network socket was unable to use (bind) to a port.
CannotCreateSocket   This constant reflects that a network object was unable to create a new socket, the system did not allow the operation to be performed.
CannotListen   This constant reflects that a server socket was unable to start listening on a TCP port or a local path.
CannotRead   This constant reflects that there was an error when trying to read data from a socket or a serial port.
CannotWrite   This constant shows that there was an error when trying to write data to a socket or a serial port.
Connected   This constant reflects that a socket, acting like a client, is currently connected to a remote server.
Connecting   This constant reflects that a socket, acting like a client, is trying to connect to a remote server.
ConnectionRefused   This constant reflects that a remote server refused a connection from a client socket.
ConnectionTimeout   This constant means that there was a connection timeout.
HostNotFound   This constant reflects that an object from one of the Net classes failed to translate a host name to an IP address.
IPv4   Constant used by Format for IPv4 addresses.
Inactive   This constant reflects that a network object is doing nothing, it is inactive.
Internet   Defines an Internet domain socket.
Local   Defines a local or an Unix domain socket.
Pending   This constant reflects that a remote client is trying to connect with a server socket, and that connection must be accepted or rejected.
ReceivingData   This constant means that some data is being downloaded from the network.
Searching   Reflects that an object from one of the Net classes is trying to translate a host name to an IP address.
Unix   Defines a local or Unix domain socket.

Inherited static methods
Format   Format a string that contains an IP address.