Gl.LoadIdentity (gb.opengl)

Static Sub LoadIdentity ( )

Replace the current matrix with the identity matrix.


Gl.LoadIdentity replaces the current matrix with the identity matrix. It is semantically equivalent to calling Gl.LoadMatrix with the identity matrix

1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

but in some cases it is more efficient.


Gl.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if Gl.LoadIdentity is executed between the execution of Gl.Begin and the corresponding execution of Gl.End.

Associated Gets

Gl.Get with argument Gl.MATRIX_MODE

Gl.Get with argument Gl.COLOR_MATRIX

Gl.Get with argument Gl.MODELVIEW_MATRIX

Gl.Get with argument Gl.PROJECTION_MATRIX

Gl.Get with argument Gl.TEXTURE_MATRIX

See also

Gl.LoadMatrix, Gl.LoadTransposeMatrix, Gl.MultMatrix, Gl.MultTransposeMatrix,

See original documentation on OpenGL website