PdfDocument (gb.poppler)

This class represents a PDF document. It allows to read its contents and render it.

This class is creatable.

This class acts like a read-only array.

Antialiasing   Return or set if antialiasing is used for drawing pages.
Author   Return the author of the PDF document.
Count   Return the number of pages in the document.
CreationDate   Return the creation date of the PDF document.
Creator   Return the creator of the PDF document.
Index   Return the index of the document.
Keywords   Returns the keywords associated to the document.
Linearized   Return whether document is linearized or not.
Max   Return the number of pages in the document minus one.
ModificationDate   Return the last modification date of the PDF document.
Producer   Return the producer of the PDF document.
Resolution   Return or set the PDF document resolution in DPI.
Rotation   Return or set the global page rotation in degrees.
Subject   Return the subject of the PDF document.
TextAntialiasing   Return or set if the text is anti-aliased when drawing a page.
TextHinting   Return or set if text hinting is used when drawing a page.
Title   Return the title of the PDF document.
Version   Return the version string of the PDF document.

Find   Find a page index from its label.