WebElement (gb.qt4.webkit)

Desde 3.4

That class provides convenient access to DOM elements in a WebFrame.

A WebElement object allows easy access to the document model, represented by a tree-like structure of DOM elements. The root of the tree is called the document element and can be accessed using WebFrame.Document.

Specific elements can be accessed using FindAll and FindFirst. These elements are identified using CSS selectors.

Alternatively you can traverse the document manually using the First, Next, Parent... properties.

Esta clase no es instanciable.

Esta clase actúa como un array de lectura / escritura.

Child   A synonymous for First.
Classes   Returns the list of classes of this element.
Document   Returns the document which this element belongs to.
First   Returns the element's first child.
Frame   Returns the web frame which this element is a part of.
Geometry   Returns the geometry of this element, relative to its containing frame.
HTML   Either:
HasFocus   Returns TRUE if the element has keyboard input focus; otherwise, returns FALSE.
InnerHTML   Either:
Last   Returns the element's last child.
Next   Returns the element's next sibling.
Parent   Returns the parent element of this element.
Previous   Returns the element's previous sibling.
Style   Returns a virtual array for manipulating the element's custom CSS style.
Tag   Returns the tag name of this element.

Add   Appends the result of parsing markup as the element's last child.
AddAfter   Inserts the result of parsing markup after this element.
AddBefore   Inserts the result of parsing markup before this element.
AddClass   Adds the specified class with the name Class to the element.
AddFirst   Prepends the result of parsing markup as the element's first child.
Clear   Removes all children from this element.
Delete   Removes this element from the document.
Enclose   Encloses the contents of this element with the result of parsing markup. This element becomes the child of the deepest descendant within markup.
Eval   Executes JavaScript code with this element as this object.
FindAll   Returns a new list of child elements matching the given CSS selector selectorQuery. If there are no matching elements, an empty list is returned.
FindFirst   Returns the first child element that matches the given CSS selector selectorQuery.
HasAttribute   Returns TRUE if this element has an attribute with the given name; otherwise returns FALSE.
Paint   Paints the element into the current painting device.
RemoveAttribute   Removes the attribute with the given name from this element.
RemoveClass   Removes the specified class with the given name from the element.
Replace   Replaces this element with the result of parsing markup.
SetFocus   Gives keyboard input focus to this element.