_TreeView_Item (gb.qt4)

This virtual class represents a ListView, TreeView or ColumnView item.

This class is virtual.

This class is not creatable.

This class acts like a read / write array.

Background   Return or set the item background color.
Children   Returns how many children this item has.
Count   Returns how many children this item has.
Depth   Return the depth of an item.
Editable   Indicates if this item is editable, i.e. if it can be renamed by the user when he clicks on it.
Expanded   Returns or sets if the item is expanded, i.e. if its children are visible.
Font   Return or set the item font.
Foreground   Return or set the item foreground color.
H   A synonymous for the Height property.
Height   Return the height of the item.
Key   Return the item key.
ParentKey   Return the key of the parent item, or a null string is the item has no parent.
Picture   Return or set the picture displayed besides the item.
RichText   Return or set the rich text displayed by the item.
Selectable   Return or set if an item is selectable.
Selected   Return or set if the item is selected.
Span   Return or set if the item text (the first column) spans all the other columns.
Tag   Return or set the tag associated with a cell.
Text   Return or set the text displayed by the item.
Visible   Return or set if the item is visible.
W   A synonymous of the Width property.
Width   Return the width of the item.
X   Return the X coordinate of item relative to the view top-left corner.
Y   Return the Y coordinate of item relative to the view top-left corner.

Clear   Deletes all item children.
CollapseAll   Collapse all children items recursively.
Delete   Delete the item.
EnsureVisible   Ensure that the item is visible on the screen.
ExpandAll   Expand all children items recursively.
MoveAfter   Move the item just after the item whose key is given by the Key parameter.
MoveBefore   Move the item just before the item whose key is given by the Key parameter.
MoveFirst   Move the item so that it is the first child of its parent.
MoveLast   Move the item so that it is the last child of its parent.
Rename   Start renaming the item.