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CheckBox (gb.qt4)

This control implements a check-box, that can be checked or unchecked.

If the Tristate property is set, then the check-box can take a third value meaning "unknown" or "do not change".

This class inherits Control.

This class is creatable.

False   The FALSE value of the Value property.
None   The "partially checked" value of the Value property.
True   The TRUE value of the Value property.

AutoResize   Return or set if the control resizes itself automatically to fit its contents.
Caption   A synonymous for the Text property.
Invert   Return or set if the CheckBox orientation is inverted.
Text   Returns or sets the text displayed in the check-box.
Tristate   Returns or sets if the checkbox can have a third state meaning "unknown" or "no change".
Value   Returns or sets the value of the check-box.

Inherited properties
Action   Returns or sets the action string associated with the control.
Background   Returns or sets the background color used by the control.
Cursor   Use this property for assigning a custom cursor to a control.
Design   Indicates that the control is in design mode.
Direction   Return or set the control text direction.
Drop   Returns or sets if a control accepts drops.
Enabled   Indicates that the control is enabled.
Expand   Returns or sets if a control will expand if included in a container that arranges its contents.
Font   Returns or sets the font used to draw text in the control.
Foreground   Returns or sets the foreground color used by the control.
H   A synonymous for the Height property.
Handle   Returns the internal X11 window handle of the control.
HasFocus   Returns whether the control has the focus.
Height   Returns or sets the height of the control.
Hovered   Returns whether the mouse cursor is inside the control.
Id   A synonymous for the Handle property.
Ignore   Returns or sets if a control must be ignored when its parent arranges its children.
Left   Returns or sets the position of the left border of the control relative to its parent.
Mouse   Returns or sets the appearence of the cursor when it points inside the control.
Name   Returns or sets the name of the control.
Next   Returns the next control having the same parent.
NoTabFocus   Return or set if a control cannot be focused with the TAB key.
Parent   Returns the control container.
PopupMenu   Return or set the name of the menu that will be popped-up when the user presses the right mouse button or the keyboard MENU key.
Previous   Returns the previous control having the same parent.
Proxy   Return or set the "proxy" of a control.
ProxyFor   Return which control that control is a proxy for.
RightToLeft   Return if the control is right to left oriented.
ScreenX   Returns the position of the left border of the control in screen coordinates.
ScreenY   Returns the position of the top border of the control in screen coordinates.
Tag   Returns or sets the control tag.
Tooltip   Returns or sets the tooltip shown when the mouse stays on the control for a short time.
Top   Returns or sets the position of the top border of the control relative to its parent.
Tracking   Returns or sets if the control will receive MouseMove events.
Visible   Indicates if the control is visible or not.
W   A synonymous for the Width property.
Width   Returns or sets the width of the control.
Window   Returns the top-level window that contains the control.
X   Returns or sets the position of the left border of the control relative to its parent.
Y   Returns or sets the position of the top border of the control relative to its parent.

Inherited methods
Delete   Destroys the control.
Drag   Starts a drag & drop process.
Grab   Grab the keyboard and the mouse so that all keyboard and mouse events are received by the control.
Hide   Hides the control.
Lower   Sends the control to the background of its parent.
Move   Moves and/or resizes the control.
MoveScaled   Moves and/or resizes the control.
Raise   Sends the control to the foreground of its parent.
Refresh   Trigger a redraw of the control.
Reparent   Changes the container of a control.
Resize   Resizes the control.
ResizeScaled   Resizes the control.
SetFocus   Gives the focus to the control.
Show   Shows the control.

Click   Raised when the user checks or unchecks the check-box.

Inherited events
DblClick   Raised when the user quickly clicks twice on the control.
Drag   This event is raised when the mouse enters the control during a drag & drop process.
DragLeave   This event is raised when the mouse leaves the control during a drag & drop operation.
DragMove   This event is raised while the mouse moves inside the control during a drag & drop process.
Drop   This event is raised when a drag is dropped in the control.
Enter   Raised when the mouse enters the control.
GotFocus   Raised when the control has got the focus.
KeyPress   Raised when a key is pressed while the control has the focus.
KeyRelease   Raised when a key is released while the control has the focus.
Leave   Raised when the mouse leaves the control.
LostFocus   Raised when the control has lost the focus.
Menu   Raised when the user clicks on the control with the right mouse button, or if it hits the MENU key.
MouseDown   Raised when a mouse button is pressed while the cursor is inside the control.
MouseDrag   This event is raised when a drag operation should be started.
MouseMove   Raised when the mouse moves inside the control while a mouse button is pressed.
MouseUp   Raised when a mouse button is depressed while the cursor is inside the control.
MouseWheel   This event is raised when the user moves or presses the mouse wheel while the mouse is inside the control.