Cursor (gb.qt4)

This class implements a custom mouse cursor.

Поскольку 3.17

It also defines the constants that represent standard cursors.

Note that there are many synonymous for the old constants of the Mouse class.

Этот класс создаваемый.

Alias   Constant for a "drag and link" cursor.
AllScroll   Constant for a "scroll in all directions" cursor.
Arrow   Constant for the default arrow cursor.
Blank   Constant for an invisible cursor.
Cell   Constant for a "cell pointing" cursor.
ColResize   Constant for a "column resize" cursor.
ContextMenu   Constant for a "context menu" cursor.
Copy   Constant for a "drag and copy" cursor.
Cross   Constant for a crosshair cursor.
CrossHair   Constant for a crosshair cursor.
Custom   Constant for a custom cursor.
Default   Constant for the default cursor.
EResize   Constant for a "east resize" cursor.
EWResize   Constant for a "east-west resize" cursor.
Grab   Constant for a grab cursor.
Grabbing   Constant for a grabbing cursor.
Help   Constant for an help cursor.
Move   Constant for a move cursor.
NEResize   Constant for a "north-east resize" cursor.
NESWResize   Constant for a "north-east south-west resize" cursor.
NResize   Constant for a "north resize" cursor.
NSResize   Constant for a "north-south resize" cursor.
NWResize   Constant for a "north-west resize" cursor.
NWSEResize   Constant for a "north-west south-east resize" cursor.
NoDrop   Constant for "non drop zone" cursor.
None   Constant for an invisible cursor.
NotAllowed   Constant for a forbidden cursor.
Pointer   Constant for a pointing hand icon.
Pointing   Constant for a pointing hand icon.
Progress   Constant for a progress cursor.
RowResize   Constant for a "row resize" cursor.
SEResize   Constant for a "south-east resize" cursor.
SResize   Constant for a "south resize" cursor.
SWResize   Constant for a "south-west resize" cursor.
SizeAll   Constant for a move cursor.
SizeE   Constant for a "east resize" cursor.
SizeH   Constant for a "east-west resize" cursor.
SizeN   Constant for a "north-south resize" cursor.
SizeNE   Constant for a "north-east resize" cursor.
SizeNESW   Constant for a "north-east south-west resize" cursor.
SizeNW   Constant for a "north-west resize" cursor.
SizeNWSE   Constant for a "north-west south-east resize" cursor.
SizeS   Constant for a "south resize" cursor.
SizeSE   Constant for a "south-east resize" cursor.
SizeSW   Constant for a "south-west resize" cursor.
SizeV   Constant for a "north-south resize" cursor.
SizeW   Constant for a "west resize" cursor.
SplitH   Constant for a "column resize" cursor.
SplitV   Constant for a "row resize" cursor.
Text   Constant for a text cursor.
VerticalText   Constant for a vertical text cursor.
WResize   Constant for a "west resize" cursor.
Wait   Constant for a busy cursor.
ZoomIn   Constant for a zoom-in cursor.
ZoomOut   Constant for a zoom-out cursor.

X   Returns the X coordinate of the cursor hot spot.
Y   Returns the Y coordinate of the cursor hot spot.