PaintBrush (gb.qt4)

This class represents a painter brush, as returned by the following methods: Paint.Color, Paint.Image, Paint.LinearGradient and Paint.RadialGradient.

Gradient brushes limits are not anti-aliased when they are scaled!

Этот класс несоздаваемый.

Matrix   Returns or sets the brush transformation matrix.

Reset   Reset the brush transformation matrix.
Rotate   Modifies the brush transformation matrix by rotating the brush-space axes by angle radians. The rotation of the axes takes places after any existing transformation of user space. The rotation direction for positive angles is from the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis.
Scale   Modifies the brush transformation matrix by scaling the X and Y brush-space axes by sx and sy respectively. The scaling of the axes takes place after any existing transformation of brush space.
Translate   Modifies the brush transformation matrix by translating the brush-space origin by (TX, TY).