trayicon (gb.qt4)

This class implements a tray icon.

trayicon: Deze klasse bestaat niet.

A trayicon typically responds to either the :dblclick ? event to initiate a preset action (for instance to restore a minimized Form) or the :menu ? event to produce a popup Menu. My observations are that creating a popup on the fly is troublesome and that it is best to create a "stub" Menu in your Form and set that menu's Enabled property to FALSE and its Visible property to FALSE. Then you can add and remove items with ease to match the current state of the application in the available popup menu options.

You can also use the Tooltip property of the trayicon to display application status when such behavior is appropriate to your particular project.

You create a hidden invisible menu in your main form called TrayMenu whose identifier is also TrayMenu. You give your TrayIcon control the identifier MyTrayIcon. You want to create a context menu for your trayicon. For this example TrayMenu and MyTrayIcon need to be in the same Form.

In the form containing MyTrayIcon and TrayMenu:
Public Sub MyTrayIcon_Menu()



There may be stability issues with the use of this control at present.

In my attempt to use this control I've had the KDE panel segfault (crash) on several occasions after a number of edit/run cycles of a Gambas project using a TrayIcon in the startup form.

--Brian Jack 2006.01.29 02:28 PST

Can you be more precise about what is troublesome in creating a popup menu?

--Benoit Minisini 2006.01.29 22:59 CET

If you use the Form as a parent and create the popup Menu you need to add a bunch of bookkeeping to make sure the menu is only created once otherwise a menubar with several copies of the popup menu results. Since I do not believe there is a way to delete objects at this time it is just as well to make a persistent Menu within the Form in the IDE Menu Editor then call it up from the TrayIcon's Menu event.

--Brian Jack 2006.02.02 09:49 PST