Align (

Deze klasse herimplementeert Align in gb.qt4.

Deze klasse is statisch.

Bottom   Constant for centering horizontally and aligning vertically with the bottom
BottomLeft   Constant for aligning horizontally with the left and aligning vertically with the bottom.
BottomNormal   Constant for aligning vertically with the bottom and aligning horizontally according to the writing direction.
BottomRight   Constant for aligning horizontally with the right and aligning vertically with the bottom.
Center   Constant for centering horizontally and vertically.
Left   Constant for aligning horizontally with the left and centering vertically.
Normal   --> ../../gb.qt/align?
Right   Constant for aligning horizontally with the right and centering vertically.
Top   Constant for centering horizontally and aligning vertically with the top.
TopLeft   Constant for aligning horizontally with the left and aligning vertically with the top.
TopNormal   Constant for aligning vertically with the top and aligning horizontally according to the writing direction.
TopRight   Constant for aligning horizontally with the right and aligning vertically with the top.

Overgeërfde constanten
Justify   Constant for justifying horizontally and centering vertically.

Overgeërfde statische methoden
IsBottom   Return if Alignment is a bottom alignment constant.
IsCenter   Return if Alignment is a center alignment constant.
IsLeft   Return if Alignment is a left alignment constant.
IsMiddle   Return if Alignment is a vertical center alignment constant.
IsRight   Return if Alignment is a right alignment constant.
IsTop   Return if Alignment is a top alignment constant.
Make   Return an alignment constant from its horizontal and vertical parts.