Report (

This class represent a report

Deze klasse erft ReportSection.

Deze klasse kan gebruikt worden als een object door een verborgen instantie op verzoek te creëren.

Deze klasse is creëerbaar.

Deze klasse reageert als een alleen leesbaar reeks.


Statische methode
Main   This method is used when the report runs in the IDE as a startup class.

Autoresize   Returns or sets if the ReportLabel will automatically resize to fit its contents.
BackGround   Returns or sets the background color used by the control.
Border   Returns or sets the border of the control.
Children   Returns a collection of each control included in the container.
Count   Returns or set the number of section in the report
Debug   Returns or set if the reports are drawed in Debug mode.
Expand   Returns or sets if a control will expand if included in a container.
Fixed   Returns or sets if a control will be displayed each time it's parent is called
Font   Returns or sets the font used to draw text in the control.
Height   Returns or sets the height of the control.
Ignore   Returns or sets if a control must be ignored when its parent arranges its children.
Left   Returns or sets the position of the left border of the control relative to its parent.
Orientation   property Orientation As Integer Returns or sets the report layout orientation.
Padding   Returns or sets the distance that separates a child control from the border of the container.
PageCount   Returns the number of pages in the report
Paper   Return or set the kind of paper used for printing.
Resolution   Return or set the report resolution, in DPI (Dots Per Inches).
Scale   Change the drawing scale.
Spacing   Returns or sets the distance that separates children controls.
Text   Define the title of the section.
Top   Returns or sets the position of the top border of the control relative to its parent.
Visible   Indicates if the control is visible or not.
Width   Returns or sets the width of the control.
X   Returns or sets the position of the left border of the control relative to its parent.
Y   Returns or sets the position of the top border of the control relative to its parent.

Overgeërfde eigenschappen
Brush   Returns or sets the brush used for drawing.
DataCount   Returns or set the number of repetitions required to read all data
DataIndex   Returns the value of the repeat count
Id   Returns the handle of the control.
Name   Returns or sets the name of the control.
OnePiece   This property forces the contents of the container to be printed on the same page.
Parent   Returns the control container.
Range   Not activated yet
Report   Returns the report that contains the control.
Tag   Returns or sets the control tag.

Clear   Remove all elements of the current report.
Clone   Return a new instance of the current report
Layout   Force the layout or redo the layout calculations for the current report.
Paint   To draw the page.
Preview   To open a preview window displaying the current report.
Print   To print the report.
Refresh   Trigger a redraw of the control.

Overgeërfde methoden
Move   Moves and/or resizes the control.

Open   Raised when the report is going to be visible for the first time.

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