Draw (gb.sdl2)

This static class allows to draw inside the SDL window during its Draw event.

The Draw methods won't work if your window has the OpenGL flag set. In that case, you have to use the OpenGL API to draw the window contents.

Этот класс статический.

Статические свойства
Background   Return or set the default color used for drawing operations.
Font   Return or set the font used for drawing text.

Статические методы
Begin   Start drawing on Device.
Clear   Clear the current drawing device with the specified Color.
End   Ends a drawing operation.
FillRect   Fill a rectangle on the current drawing device with the specified color.
FillRects   Fill some number of rectangles on the current drawing device with the specified color.
Image   Paint an image on the current drawing device.
Line   Draw a line on the current drawing device using the specified color.
Lines   Draw some number of lines on the current drawing device with the specified color.
Point   Draw a point on the current drawing device using the specified color.
Points   Draw some number of points on the current drawing device with the specified color.
Rect   Draw a rectangle on the current drawing device with the specified color.
Rects   Draw some number of rectangles on the current drawing device with the specified color.
Text   Draw some text on the current drawing device using the current Font.