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Window (gb.sdl2)

This class represents a SDL window.

This class is creatable.

FrameCount   Return the number of frames displayed since the beginning of the program.
FrameRate   Set the desired refresh rate, or return the actual refresh rate.
FullScreen   Return or set if the window is displayed fullscreen.
Grabbed   Grab the mouse, so that it is confined to the window.
H   Return the window height.
Handle   Return the internal window handle.
Height   Return the window height.
Resizable   Return of set if the window is resizable.
Text   Return or set the window title.
Title   Return or set the window title.
Visible   Return or set if the window is visible.
W   Return the window width.
Width   Return the window width.
X   Return the window left position.
Y   Return the window top position.

Close   Close the window explicitly.
Hide   Hide the window.
Move   Move and/or resize the window.
Resize   Resize the window.
Screenshot   Take a screenshot of the window.
Show   Show the window.

Close   This event is raised just before the window is closed, either explicitly (with the Close method) or implicitly (by clicking on the window close button).
Draw   This event is raised each time the window contents must be redrawn.
Enter   This event is raised when the mouse cursor enters the window.
GotFocus   This event is raised when the window gets the focus.
Hide   This event is raised when the window is hidden.
KeyPress   This event is raised when a key is pressed.
KeyRelease   This event is raised when a key is released.
Leave   This event is raised when the mouse cursor leaves the window.
LostFocus   This event is raised when the window loses the focus.
MouseDown   This event is raised when a mouse button is pressed.
MouseMove   This event is raised when the mouse cursor is moved inside the window.
MouseUp   This event is raised when a mouse button is released.
MouseWheel   This event is raised when the mouse wheel is turned.
Move   This event is raised when the window is moved.
Open   This event is raised when the window is opened.
Resize   This event is raised when the window is resized.
Show   This event is raised when the window is shown.
Text   This event is raised when some text is entered.