Class (gb.util)

This class depicts a class used by the interpreter.

This class can be native, i.e. implemented in a component, or a class written in Gambas.

Tato třída reimplementuje Class in gb.

Tato třída je vytvořitelný.

Tato třída působí jako pole pouze číst.

Inherited constants
Constant   Indicates that a symbol is a constant.
Event   Indicates that a symbol is an event.
Method   Indicates that a symbol is a method.
Property   Indicates that a symbol is a property.
Variable   Indicates that a symbol is a variable.

Static methods
Stat   Return information about a class without loading it.

Inherited static methods
IsLoaded   Returns if a specific class is loaded.
Load   Loads a class identified by its name.

Inherited properties
Component   Returns the component this class belongs to.
Count   Returns the number of existing objects that are an instance of this class.
Hidden   Returns TRUE if the class is hidden.
Instance   Returns the instance of an auto-creatable class.
Name   Returns the name of the class.
Native   Returns TRUE if the class is native.
Parent   Returns the parent of the class, i.e. the class from which it inherits some of its attributes.
Symbols   Returns an array of all the symbol names of a class.

Inherited methods
AutoCreate   Return the hidden instance of a class.
Exist   Return TRUE if a class has a specific symbol.
New   Instantiates the class.