Date (gb.util)

Useful date & time functions.

Этот класс статический.

Статические методы
DaysInMonth   Return the number of days in a month.
EasterDay   Return the easter day of a specific Year.
FromRFC822   Convert a RFC 822 date string to a Gambas date and return it.
FromUTC   Move a date so that its UTC representation after the move is its local representation before the move.
FromUnixTime   Convert a Unix timestamp to a Gambas date.
IsWeekEnd   Return if a specific date is a week-end.
ToISO8601   Convert a date to the ISO-8601 format.
ToRFC822   Convert a date to its RFC 822 representation.
ToUTC   Move a date so that its local representation after the move is its UTC representation before the move.
ToUnixTime   Convert the specified Date to a Unix timestamp, i.e. a number of seconds since January, 1st 1970 at UTC.