String (gb.util)

This class provides string utility functions.

Этот класс реализуем повторно String в gb.

Этот класс статический.

Статические методы
Distance   Return the Damerau-Levenshtein distance between two strings.
FromHTML   Return the text contents of an HTML string, by removing all markups and entities.
IsEmail   Return if a string can be interpreted as an e-mail.
IsIP   Return if a string can be interpreted as a IPv4 address.
IsIPv6   Return if a string can be interpreted as a IPv6 address.
PadLeft   Returns a new string that right-aligns the characters in the original string by padding them on the left with a specified string pattern, for a specified total length.
PadRight   Returns a new string that left-aligns the characters in the original string by padding them on the right with a specified string pattern, for a specified total length.
RemoveDiacritics   Return a copy of a string with all diacritics removed.
ToPhonetic   Return a phonetic representation of a string.

Inherited static methods
Byte   This is a synonymous of the Pos method.
Chr   Returns a character from its Unicode value. It is UTF-8 encoded.
Code   Returns the Unicode value of a character inside an UTF-8 string.
Comp   Compares two UTF-8 strings, and returns:
InStr   Returns the position of the first occurrence of Pattern in String.
Index   Returns the index of the character at position Pos in the string.
IsValid   Return TRUE if String is a valid UTF-8 string.
LCase   Returns an UTF-8 string converted to lower case.
Left   Returns the Length first characters of an UTF-8 string.
Len   Returns the length of an UTF-8 string in characters.
Lower   This is a synonymous for the String.LCase method.
Mid   Returns a substring containing the Length characters from the position Start.
Pos   Returns the position of the character of index Index in the string.
RInStr   Returns the position of the last occurrence of Pattern in String.
Right   Returns the Length last characters of an UTF-8 string.
UCase   Returns an UTF-8 string converted to upper case.
UCaseFirst   Return the string with its first letter converted to upper case.
Upper   This is a synonymous for the String.UCase method.