gb (gb)

This static class includes all basic Gambas constants used by many functions.

Deze klasse is statisch.

Ascent   Constant that represents an ascending sort.
BigEndian   Constant for big endian binary format.
Binary   Constant that represents a binary comparison.
Boolean   Constant that represents the Boolean datatype.
Byte   Constant that represents the Byte datatype.
Class   Constant that represents a class.
Cr   Return a carriage return.
CrLf   Return a carriage return followed by a line feed.
Currency   Constant that represents the national currency format.
Date   Constant that represents the Date datatype.
Day   Constant that represents a day period.
Descent   Constant that represents a descending sort.
Device   Flag used by the Stat property for a device special file.
Directory   Flag used by the Stat property for a directory.
Exec   Constant used by the Access subroutine to test if a file can be executed or a directory can be browsed.
File   Flag used by the Stat property for a regular file.
Fixed   Constant that represents a numerical format with two fixed decimal digits.
Float   Constant that represents the Float datatype.
Friday   Constant that represents the Friday day.
Function   Constant that represents a function.
GeneralDate   Constant that represents the general date format.
GeneralNumber   Constant that represents the general number format.
Hour   Constant that represents an hour period.
IgnoreCase   Constant that represents a case insensitive comparison.
Input   This constant is not used at the moment.
Integer   Constant that represents the Integer datatype.
International   Constant that represents the international currency format.
Language   Constant that represents a language-aware comparison.
Lf   Return a line feed.
Like   Constant that represents a string comparison based on the LIKE operator.
Link   Flag used by the Stat property for a symbolic link.
LittleEndian   Constant for little endian binary format.
Long   Constant that represents the Long datatype.
LongDate   Constant that represents a long date format.
LongTime   Constant that represents the long time format.
Mac   This constant is used by Stream.EndOfLine for indicating that lines of text are separated by a Chr$(13) character.
Match   Constant that represents a string comparison based on the MATCH operator.
MediumDate   Constant that represents the medium date format.
MediumTime   Constant that represents the medium time format.
Millisecond   Constant that represents a millisecond period.
Minute   Constant that represents a minute period.
Monday   Constant that represents the Monday day.
Month   Constant that represents a month period.
Natural   Constant that represents a natural comparison.
NewLine   The string constant for end of line.
Null   Constant that represents the NULL datatype.
Object   Constant that represents the Object datatype.
Output   This constant is not used at the moment.
Percent   Constant that represents the percent numeric format.
Pipe   Flag used by the Stat property for a named pipe.
Pointer   Constant that represents the Pointer datatype.
Quarter   Constant that represents a quarter period.
Read   Constant used by the Access subroutine to test if a file can be read.
Saturday   Constant that represents the Saturday day.
Scientific   Constant that represents the scientific numeric format.
Second   Constant that represents a second period.
Short   Constant that represents the Short datatype.
ShortDate   Constant that represents the short date format.
ShortNumber   Constant that represents the short number format.
ShortTime   Constant that represents the short time format.
Single   Constant that represents the Single datatype.
Socket   Flag used by the Stat property for a socket.
Standard   Constant that represents the standard format for number or dates.
String   Constant that represents the String datatype.
Sunday   Constant that represents the Sunday day.
Tab   String constant for the tabulation character.
Thursday   Constant that represents the Thursday day.
Tuesday   Constant that represents the Tuesday day.
Unix   This constant is used by Stream.EndOfLine for indicating that lines of text are separated by a Chr$(10) character.
Variant   Constant that represents the Variant datatype.
Wednesday   Constant that represents the Wednesday day.
Week   Constant that represents a week period.
WeekDay   Constant that represents working days.
Windows   This constant is used by Stream.EndOfLine for indicating that lines of text are separated by a Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) character sequence.
Write   Constant used by the Access subroutine to test if a file can be written.
Year   Constant that represents a year period.

See also