Object (gb)

This class includes static methods that allows you to manipulate the objects created by the interpreter.

Этот класс статический.

Статические методы
Address   Return the memory address of an object.
Attach   Attach an object to its parent.
Call   Calls an object method dynamically.
CanRaise   Return if an object can raise a specific event, i.e. if the parent of the object, or any observer, has an event handler for that event.
Class   Returns the class of an object.
Count   Returns how many times this object is referenced.
Data   Return the address of the data associated with an object.
Detach   Detaches an object from its parent.
GetProperty   Gets the value of an object property dynamically.
Is   Returns if the specified object is an instance of the specified class, or an inherited one.
IsLocked   Returns if an object is locked.
IsValid   Returns whether an object is valid or not.
Lock   Locks an object.
New   Instantiates the class Class.
Parent   Returns the parent of an object, i.e. the default event observer it is attached to.
Raise   Tell an object to raise one of its event.
SetProperty   Sets the value of an object property dynamically.
SizeOf   Return the memory used by an existant object in bytes.
Type   Returns the class name of an object.
Unlock   Unlocks an object.