Param (gb)

This static class is used for dealing with extra arguments and special methods.

Use it for:
  • Retrieving the value of the extra arguments of a method taking a variable number of arguments, i.e. a method whose argument declaration ends with "...".

  • Retrieving information about the name of the called method in the _unknown special method.

  • Retrieving the event name specified with the NEW instruction.

Diese Klasse ist statisch.

Diese Klasse wirkt wie ein nur lesbar statisches Array.

Mit dem FOR EACH-Schlüsselwort ist diese Klasse statisch aufzähmend.

Statische Eigenschaften
All   Return an array of all extra arguments sent to the method or function.
Count   Returns the number of extra arguments.
EventName   Return the event name used with a NEW instruction.
Max   Returns the index for the last parameter in the array.
Name   Returns the name of the unknown class symbol that is just to be used as a method.

See also