
This component contains all the classes included in the interpreter by default.

Class Descripció
Application This class gives information about the currently running application, and grants access to the process environment and process command line.
Args This class is an array containing the arguments passed to the program by the shell.
Array This class is the parent class of every Gambas array class.
Boolean[] This class implements a dynamic array of Boolean values.
Byte[] This class implements a dynamic array of Byte values.
Class This class depicts a class used by the interpreter.
Classes This class is a collection of all global classes loaded by the interpreter.
Collection This class implements an hash table whose keys are String and values are Variant.
Component This class represents a component loaded by the interpreter.
Components This class is a collection of all components loaded by the interpreter.
Date[] This class implements a dynamic array of Date values.
Enum This static class is used for implementing enumerable classes.
Env This class is a virtual collection of strings containing the variables of the process environment.
Error Use this class for managing errors raised while the interpreter is running.
File This class is used for representing a file opened with the OPEN instruction, accessing standard input, output and error streams, and manipulating file paths with its static methods.
Float[] This class implements a dynamic array of Float values.
gb This static class includes all basic Gambas constants used by many functions.
Integer[] This class implements a dynamic array of Integer values.
Jit This class deals with the internal Just In Time compiler.
Long[] This class implements a dynamic array of Long values.
Object This class includes static methods that allows you to manipulate the objects created by the interpreter.
Object[] This class implements a dynamic array of Object references.
Observer This class allows you to catch the events raised by an object before its main event observer gets them.
Param This static class is used for dealing with extra arguments and special methods.
Pointer[] This class implements a dynamic array of Pointer values.
Process This class is used for managing processes launched by the EXEC or SHELL instructions.
Short[] This class implements a dynamic array of Short values.
Single[] This class implements a dynamic array of Single values.
Stat This class represents all the information returned by the system about a specific file when you use the Stat function.
Stream This class is the parent class of every Gambas object that is a stream.
String This class provides UTF-8 string manipulation methods.
String[] This class implements a dynamic array of String values.
System This static class gives information about the operating system and the interpreter environment.
Task This virtual class aims at being the parent class of all background tasks.
Timer This class implements a timer object.
User This class gives information about the user running the process.
Variant[] This class implements a dynamic array of Variant values.