
Index of Components (Gambas 3.x)

Interpreter enhancements

gb Internal native classes
gb.debug Debugger helper
gb.eval Expression evaluator
/wiki/comp/ Information about installed components
gb.option GNU-style command-line arguments parser
gb.pcre Perl Compatible Regular Expression matching
gb.settings Application settings management
gb.vb Visual-Basic compatibility

Communication & Network

/wiki/comp/gb.corba CORBA client Network access Network high-level protocol management based on the Curl library SMTP client
gb.qt4.webkit Web browser bileşen based on WebKit
gb.web Web applications development

Graphical User Interface

gb.form Enhanced controls
gb.form.dialog Enhanced version of the standard dialogs
gb.form.mdi Multi-document interface
gb.gtk GTK+ toolkit implementation
/wiki/comp/gb.gtk.ext GTK+ toolkit extension
/wiki/comp/gb.gtk.svg GTK+ svg loader
gb.gui QT/GTK+ component switcher
gb.pdf PDF renderer based on Poppler
gb.qt4 Qt4 toolkit implementation
gb.qt4.ext Qt4 toolkit extension



gb.db Database access
gb.db.form Data bound controls
gb.mysql specific routines

XML programming

gb.xml XML tools based on libxml
gb.xml.xslt XSLT tools based on libxml
gb.xml.rpc XML-RPC protocol implementation

Compression & Crypting

gb.compress Compression library
gb.crypt MD5/DES crypting


gb.desktop Desktop-agnostic routines based on Portland project

2D & 3D Graphics

gb.cairo Vectorial drawing based on Cairo
gb.image Image management bileşen
gb.image.imlib Image routines based on the Imlib2 library Image loading and saving
gb.image.effect Image filtering routines
gb.opengl OpenGL library interface
gb.qt4.opengl OpenGL for QT toolkit
gb.v4l Video capture based on Video4Linux

SDL programming

gb.sdl SDL library interface
gb.sdl.sound Sound library based on SDL

There are 524 unique classes and 4502 unique symbols in all Gambas components.

See also