Gambas Documentation
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About The Best Formula In The World
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By Reference Argument Passing
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Creating And Using Libraries
Database Datatype Mapping
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DBus and Gambas
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Differences From Visual Basic
Distributions & Operating Systems
Drag & Drop
DrawingArea Internal Behaviour
External functions datatype mapping
Frequently Asked Questions
Gambas Farm Server Protocol
Gambas Mailing List Netiquette
Gambas Markdown Syntax
Gambas Naming Conventions
Gambas Object Model
Gambas Scripting
Gambas Server Pages
Gambas Unit Testing
Gambas Wiki Markup Syntax
Getting Started With Gambas
Hall Of Fame
Housekeeping, cleaning up
Image Management In Gambas
Including Help Comments in Source Code
Installation from binary packages
Interpreter limits
Just In Time Compiler
Just In Time Compiler (old version)
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PCRE Pattern Syntax
Porting from Gambas 2 to Gambas 3
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The Program has stopped unexpectedly by raising signal #11
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Gambas 3 books

Το βιβλίο της Gambas3 (Greek)

A Greek book about Gambas 3 written by Demosthenes Koptsis.

Read it at

Gambas3 - Das Online-Buch (German)

This german work in progress online is oriented towards the latest stable or development releases of Gambas.
Articles are accompanied by full and explained/commented projects. Download links for the entire article as a PDF and the treated project's source code are to be found at the end of each page.
Readers are encouraged to participate with corrections and their own projects.

Start reading at

Gambas3 - The Online Book

An English translation of the German book Gambas-Buch introduced above. Start reading the English version at

How To Gambas 3 - Installing Gambas

An electronic book written by Willy Raets (with a contribution of Graham Wilson).
Part of a series of books named 'How To Gambas 3'
This part covers the different installation methods of Gambas 3.
All is still based on old svn repository, so it is more of a history book by now.

Current version: 1.2.1
Release date: Sept. 30th, 2013

Download How To Gambas - Installing Gambas (pdf).
Note: Appendices have out-dated links.

How To Gambas 3 - Building GUI Applications

An electronic book written by Willy Raets.
Part of a series of books named 'How To Gambas 3'
This part covers the building of simple standalone GUI applications.
Aimed a people new to Gambas 3.

Current version: 0.0.1 (pre-release of first 11 chapters)
Release date: Sept. 29th, 2013

Download How To Gambas - Building GUI Applications (pdf).
Note: Appendices have out-dated links.

A Beginner's Guide To Gambas, Revised for version 3

An american book written by
John W. Rittinghouse And Jon Nicholson

Curso de Gambas 3 en castellano

Libro web-Online

Gambas WebForm: Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web con Gambas (Spanish Edition)

Esta obra es un camino corto y directo para aprender a desarrollar aplicaciones Web de alta calidad.

El componente WebForm de gambas 3 permite la creación de casi cualquier interfaz grafica con la calidad de un software de escritorio y se potencia aun más con el uso del gambas 3 como lenguaje de BackEnd y FontEnd. En este libro te llevamos de cero a cien explicando los fundamentos de lenguaje gambas 3 y desmenuzando paso a paso el IDE RAD de gambas 3 enfocado al desarrollo Web. Es importante mencionar que para desarrollar una aplicación Web con acceso a base de datos, validación de formularios, GridView entre otros, se necesita de al menos tres lenguajes de programación, por ejemplo JavaScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Ajax (este ultimo es un acrónimo).

La propuesta de gambas WebForm es utilizar este solo lenguaje para obtener los mismos resultados empleando menos tiempo, y este libro de dirá como hacerlo. Adicionalmente gambas WebForm se plantea como una alternativa para desarrollar aplicaciones Web para dispositivos móviles. El entorno de desarrollo de aplicaciones rápido RAD de gambas 3 supera en gran media otros entornos de desarrollo móvil que requieren del uso de lenguaje XML para desarrollar la interfaz móvil y otro lenguaje de programación para conectar los controles de la interfaz. gambas simplifica todo este proceso maximizando tu productividad y beneficios.

Old books

The following books all talk about Gambas 1.0!

Gambas - Programacion Visual Con Software Libre

A spanish written by Daniel Campos & José Luis Redrejo, with a foreword by your servant.

Menguasai Gambas - Pemrograman "Visual Basic" Di Linux

This is an indonesian about Gambas.

Gambas WikiBook

A wiki on Gambas, located at http:/