Gambas Documentation

Distributions & Operating Systems

...or does Gambas compile on my system ?

Linux distributions (32 bits / 64 bits)

System Version Status Notes
Arch Linux Overlord OK Works fine on x86 and x86_64.
Conectiva 10 OK -
Debian Woody

Sarge / Sid

See the README.DEBIAN file in the source package.
Fedora Core 3, 4, 5... OK -
Gentoo 1.4 OK
Linex - OK -
Mandriva >= 2005 OK -
Mageia >= 2 OK Gambas3 packages available for Mageia 1 (both 32 and 64 bit) using 3d-part repositories/packages (e.g.
OpenSuSE 9.x / 10.x / 11.x OK -
QiLinux 1.2 OK -
RedHat 9.0


But you must upgrade your Qt library or compile it, even modify a by hand. See the file README.REDHAT in the source package.
Slackware >= 9.1 OK Maybe a little elbow grease is needed for 10.1.
Ubuntu Lucid/Maverick/Natty/Oneiric/Precise... OK Gambas2 available from standard OS repositories. Gambas3 available from a PPA:
Xandros 2.0 OK -

Other Systems/Environments

System/Environment Status Notes
FreeBSD OK Gambas 1.x and 2.x are part of the official FreeBSD ports.
Gambas 3 now compiles. Tested on FreeBSD 64 bits.
OpenBSD OK Gambas 3 > 3.11.4 compiles. gambas3-devel on amd64 has issues.
Mac OS X / PowerPC Bad Gambas should compile. Anyway, it will crash because of bugs in endianness management. I need an ssh access to a PowerPC computer to fix that!
NetBSD OK Gambas 3 > 3.11.4 compiles. gambas3-devel on amd64 has issues.
Solaris Unknown Gambas now compiles on this system but may not work. I'm waiting for news from users.
Haiku Unknown Work in progress...
Windows™ OK Gambas 3.9.1 and later compile and run on Cygwin. gb.inotify and gb.v4l do not compile.

If you succeeded in compiling and/or running Gambas on your system, or if you have problems, write to the mailing-list. I will add any information I receive in the previous table.