الأسئلة الشائعة

لماذا سميتم المشروع بهذا الاسم "جامباس"?

غالبا ما تسمى البرامج الحرة بأسماء حيوانات, وخصوصا لغات البرمجة: Python, Camel, Bonobo, إلخ. وكنت أريد شيءا يحتوي على إيحاء لـ "Basic" فيها. لذا, جامباس بالكاد تعني BASic!

هل جامباس متوافق مع فيجوال بيسك؟

لا, ولن يكون كذلك! لحسن الحظ هناك تشابه كبير في التركيب اللغوي مع فيجوال بيسك ولكن لا تتوقع أن تأخذ مصدر برنامج من فيجوال بيسك وتجربته بجامباس بدون أي تغيير. You can go the troubleshooting page to find some examples of the differences between the two languages. See also: الفرق عن فيجول بيسك

هل سيتوافق جامباس مع جافا أو دوت نت ؟

لا,للأسف. لأسباب عديد بعضها جيد وبعضها سيء: I'm not Sun nor Microsoft, I do not want to impose one sole language for everything everywhere. A stupid thing, isn't it? :-) I want a simple but powerful language, not necesseraly intended for professionals or nerds. I did it for fun too! I do like writing compilers, interpreters, machines... So I did not use the spec of Java nor .Net.جامباس IDE is written in جامباس.

Is جامباس multiplatform?

In the future, I hope there will be a simple answer: "yes!". :) Right now, there are reports of people compiling جامباس under BSD and Win32/Cygwin.

Why don't you merge your project with HBasic, MonoBasic, Parrot...?

There are too many technical differences between these projects and mine to think about a merge.

Another problem is that the جامباس interpreter is very tight to the features of the language I needed. .Net/Parrot features are very different from the جامباس ones. It is not just a matter of interpreting bytecode. For example, there is the reference counting against garbage collector problem. What will happen to the components management system ? To the class inheritance management ? To the interpreter hooks ? And so on...

How do I compile, make and install جامباس?

See إقرأني

How do I uninstall جامباس?

If you have installed جامباس using the packaging mechanism of your operating system, it should be easy to use the normal uninstallation procedure. If you have installed from source as root , just remove the installation directory. For example, if you have installed جامباس under /opt/gambas2, just do, as root:

$ rm -rf /opt/gambas2

If the installation prefix is /usr, or /usr/local (which is the default) then you have to remove each directory one by one.

$ rm -f /usr/local/bin/gbx2 /usr/local/bin/gbc2 /usr/local/bin/gba2 /usr/local/bin/gbi2
$ rm -rf /usr/local/lib/gambas2
$ rm -rf /usr/local/share/gambas2

Can I access my PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc. database with جامباس?

You can currently access PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases in the stable version, and more in the development one. If you want to develop a driver for another database system, tell me. You are welcome!

I'm a C/C++ programmer. How can I help you?

You are welcome to help! First you can subscribe to the developer mailing-list and introduce yourself. Then, you must try to understand the جامباس architecture: the compiler, the interpreter, the development environment, the components, and how they live together. Then, you can read the developer documentation on the Wiki: it will explain you how to program components. You will find المكوٍّن example named gb.example that is full of comments. By reading the source of this example, you will understand how to write a المكوٍّن. If you want to write a database driver for the database المكوٍّن, the PostgreSQL driver is commented, so that you can more easily know how to do that. Of course, I will answer any question and help you as much as I can, provided that you have spent more than a school year to learn C/C++ :-)

I'm not a C/C++ programmer. How can I help you?

Any help on the following tasks is welcome. No C/C++ programming skill is required!
  • Playing with جامباس and reporting bugs.

  • Making example programs for beginners, and send them to me so that I put them in the source package.

  • Making a tutorial to show beginners how to write their first جامباس program. It would be a great idea! :-)

  • Translating جامباس into your own language, if it has not been done yet. See How To Translate The Gambas IDE (depricated) for more information.

Can I develop proprietary software with جامباس?

Yes, you can. But if you use the QT GUI المكوٍّن, i.e. if your program is graphical, then you must purchase a QT licence before starting its development. Otherwise, make your software free as in freedom :-)

Will you port جامباس to Windows ?

I won't, but I will help any people trying to do that. I already compiled جامباس sources under Cygwin in the past, but didn't really succeed. Note that there is a lot of things to port: process management, qt المكوٍّن, and so on... This is a huge job.