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How To Run Gambas On Windows using Cygwin

Gambas does not run on the Windows Operating System natively, but via Cygwin. This is the preferred way to run it.

This old solution is based on the free implementation of the NoMachine NX protocol, named freenx server.

The Windows computer will use the NoMachine NX client to connect to the Linux server and run the application.

1. Take a Linux server

We will suppose that Mandriva 2006 is installed on it.

2. Install the freenx server

$ urpmi freenx

This will install the openssh server too.

Note: Of course you must be root.

3. Create the user that will run the application.

$ useradd -p "p4$$w0rD" gamby

We call it 'gamby'.

4. Tell FreeNX which users can connect to the server

$ nxserver --adduser gamby

5. Install Gambas

Of course :-) And install your Gambas application too. We suppose that the name of your application is KillerApp.

6. Install the NX client on the Windows computer

Follow these instructions.

7. Copy the FreeNX server key into the Windows NX client

The FreeNX server key is located at /var/lib/nxserver/nxhome/.ssh/client.id_dsa.key

$ cat /var/lib/nxserver/nxhome/.ssh/client.id_dsa.key

Copy this key in the Windows client:
  • Launch the NX client.

  • Create a new session named 'KillerApp'.

  • Click on the Configure... button.

  • Click on the Key... button in the first tab.

  • Copy the key in the text box, and click on the Save button.

8. Try to connect to the Linux server

9. Configure the NX client to launch your application