Editor Shortcuts

Key Action
UP Move the cursor one line up.¹ Text is unselected.
CTRL + UP Move the cursor one procedure up.¹ Text is unselected.
ALT + UP Exchange the current line with the previous line, and move the cursor one line up. If text is selected, move the selection one line up.
DOWN Move the cursor one line down.¹ Text is unselected.
CTRL + DOWN Move the cursor one procedure down.¹ Text is unselected.
ALT + DOWN Exchange the current line with the next line, and move the cursor one line down. If text is selected, move the selection one line down.
LEFT Move the cursor one character left.¹ Text is unselected.
CTRL + LEFT Move the cursor one word left.¹ Text is unselected.
RIGHT Move the cursor one character right.¹ Text is unselected.
CTRL + RIGHT Move the cursor one word right.¹ Text is unselected.
HOME Move the cursor to the beginning of the line, taking the indentation into account.¹ Text is unselected.
CTRL + HOME Move the cursor to the beginning of the file. Text is unselected.
ALT + HOME Move the cursor to the first previous non-void line having the same indentation level.¹ Text is unselected.
END Move the cursor to the end of the line.¹ Text is unselected.
CTRL + END Move the cursor to the end of the file. Text is unselected.
ALT + END Move the cursor to the first next non-void line having the same indentation level.¹ Text is unselected.
ENTER or RETURN Insert a new line, with eventually some automatic insertion.² Selected text is deleted.
CTRL + ENTER Collapse or expand the current text part between two limits.
CTRL + ALT + ENTER Collapse or expand all the limits.
BACKSPACE Delete one character left, and move the cursor accordingly. Selected text is deleted.
CTRL + BACKSPACE Delete one word left, and move the cursor accordingly. Selected text is deleted.
DELETE Delete one character right, but do not move the cursor. Selected text is deleted.
SHIFT + DELETE Delete the current line.
CTRL + DELETE Delete one word right, but do not move the cursor. Selected text is deleted.
PAGE UP Move the cursor one page up.¹ Text is unselected.
CTRL + PAGE UP Switch to the previous edited file.
PAGE DOWN Move the cursor one page down.¹ Text is unselected.
CTRL + PAGE DOWN Switch to the next edited file.
TAB Insert a tab character if no text is selected. Otherwise, the selected text is indented.³
SHIFT + TAB Unindent the selected text. Do nothing if no text is selected.
INSERT Toggle the editor insertion / block selection mode.
CTRL + A Select all text.
CTRL + B Toggle a bookmark.
CTRL + C Copy the selected text to the clipboard.
CTRL + SHIFT + C Insert a color.
CTRL + D Delete the current line.
CTRL + E Open the menu editor, if the current file is a form.
CTRL + F Open the search panel to find a text in the current file.
CTRL + SHIFT + F Open the search panel to find a text in the entire project.
CTRL + G Move the cursor to a specific line. Text is unselected.
CTRL + H Toggle horizontal editor split.
CTRL + J Toggle vertical editor split.
CTRL + K The current line is commented if no text is selected. Otherwise, the selected text is commented.
CTRL + L Switch focus to the project filter.
CTRL + SHIFT + L Convert the selected text to lower case.
CTRL + P Print the current edited file.
CTRL + R Open the search panel to replace a piece of text by another one in the current file.
CTRL + SHIFT + R Open the search panel to replace a piece of text by another one in the entire project.
CTRL + S Save the current edited file.
ALT + S Define the current file as startup class.
CTRL + SHIFT + T Format the selected text according to the current file format. If no text is selected, the entire file is formatted.
CTRL + U The current line is uncommented if no text is selected. Otherwise the selected text is uncommented.
CTRL + SHIFT + U Convert the selected text to upper case.
CTRL + V Paste the clipboard contents. The selected text is replaced.
CTRL + SHIFT + V Open the paste special dialog to paste the clipboard contents in a specific way. The selected text is replaced by the pasted text.
CTRL + W Close the current edited file.
CTRL + X Delete the selected text and copy it to the clipboard.
CTRL + Y Redo the last undone change.
CTRL + Z Undo the last change.
ALT + ( or ALT + ) Insert ( and ) around the current word or remove them if they are present.
ALT + [ or ALT + ] Insert [ and ] around the current word or remove them if they are present.
ALT + { or ALT + } Insert { and } around the current word or remove them if they are present.
ALT + < or ALT + > Insert < and > around the current word or remove them if they are present.
F2 Find symbol definition.
SHIFT + F2 Go back to the previous registered cursor position.
F3 Find next search occurrence.
SHIFT + F3 Find previous search occurrence.
F12 Switch between form editor and code editor.

¹ Press SHIFT to select the text at the same time.
² An example being at the end of a property declaration: the relevant accessor code is inserted at the end of the code. Pressing SHIFT disables the automatic insertion.
³ If the TAB key is pressed at the end of a line that consists only of an IDE Snippets, then the shortcut is expanded.