Binary Data Representation

The READ and WRITE instructions allow to read and write binary representation of Gambas datatypes values.

Datatype Size Representation
Boolean 1 byte 0 for FALSE, 255 for TRUE.
Byte 1 byte The data value in binary.
Short 2 bytes The data value in binary.
Integer 4 bytes The data value in binary.
Long 8 bytes The data value in binary.
Pointer 4 bytes in 32 bits
8 bytes in 64 bits
The pointer value in binary.
Single 4 bytes The data value in binary.
Float 8 bytes The data value in binary.
Date 8 bytes The date and time as two four-bytes integers.
String variable The string length is written first, as a variable-length integer number:
  • One byte is written if the string length is lower or equal than 127 characters.

  • Two bytes are written if the string length is between 128 and 16383 characters.

  • Four bytes are written if the string length is between 16384 and 1073741824 characters.

  • Longer strings cannot be written at the moment.

Then the string contents is written.

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If the Stream.NullTerminatedString property is set, then strings are null terminated instead. No string length is read or written.
NULL 1 byte Null values and null strings are written as a single 0 byte.
Variant Variable When writing a variant value, a byte indicating the value datatype is written before. The value itself is written according to this table.
Array 2 bytes + array length + array contents
  • One byte whose value is 65.

  • One byte whose value represents the array contents datatype.

  • The array length, written like a string length.

  • The value of each array element.

Collection 1 byte + collection length + collection contents
  • One byte whose value is 67 if the collection keys are case sensitive, 99 if they are not case sensitive.

  • The collection length, written like a string length.

  • For each collection item:
    • The key, written as a string

    • Its associated value.

Structure Contents size
  • The structure contents are written in declaration order recursively.

  • Embedded arrays items are written in order. Contrary to normal arrays, no size or type header is written.

Serializable objects

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1 byte + class name (optional) + object contents
  • One byte whose value is 79 or 111.

  • If the initial byte is 111, the class name is written that way:
    • One byte for the class name length, between 1 and 255.

    • The class name.

  • The object contents as written by the _write method of the class.

The endianness of the binary data is the endianness of the stream.

See also