Deklarace Událostí
EVENT Name ( [ Parameter #1 [ , Parameter #2 ... ] )
This declares a Třída Události. This Události is raised by using the
RAISE keyword.
RAISE keyword may return a boolean value to indicate if the Události handler wants to cancel the Události.
EVENT BeforeSend(Data AS String) AS Boolean
DIM bResult AS Boolean
' Raises the event
bResult = RAISE BeforeSend("MyData")
IF bResult THEN
PRINT "Canceled !"
Event Handler
By default,
Name_EventName is the name of the Metody called in the Události listener when an Události is raised.
For example, if you have a Třída called FancyButton and you throw an Události called FancyClick, and if in your form called FMain you have a FancyButton objekt named MyButton, the Události handler Metody would look like this:
PUBLIC SUB MyButton_FancyClick(...)
The default behavior can be changed somewhat: see
Object.Attach and other methods of the static
Object Třída, as well as control groups whose information is applicable to any event-raising Třída.
Viz také