
Position = InStr ( String AS String , Substring AS String [ , Start AS Integer , Comparison AS Integer ] )

Returns the position of the first occurrence of Substring in String.

Start specifies where to start the search:
  • If Start is omitted, or if Start is 0, the search begins at the beginning of the string.

  • If Start is > 0, the search begins at the position Start.

  • If Start is < 0, the search begins at the position (- Start) from the end of the string.

Comparison can be one of the following value:
Sinds 3.4
If the substring is not found, this function returns zero.

This function only deal with ASCII strings. To manipulate UTF-8 strings, use the String class.


PRINT Instr("Gambas is basic", "bas")

PRINT Instr("Gambas is basic", "bas", 5)

PRINT Instr("Gambas is basic", "not")

See also