
Value = Lsl ( Number , Bit )

Value = Number Lsl Bit

Sinds 3.17

Returns Number shifted to the left by Bit bits. The sign is ignored.

The type of Number may be Byte, Short, Integer, or Long.

The valid range of Bit depends on the type of the Number argument.

Type of Number Range of Bit
Byte 0...7
Short 0...15
Integer 0...31
Long 0...63

The datatype of the return value is the datatype of Number.


Message Description
Type mismatch (6) The datatype of the Number argument is not valid.
Bad argument (20) The Bit argument is out of range.


PRINT Bin(11, 32), 11
PRINT Bin(Lsl(11, 2), 32), Lsl(11, 2)
PRINT Bin(Lsl(11, 28), 32), Lsl(11, 28)
00000000000000000000000000001011        11
00000000000000000000000000101100        44
10110000000000000000000000000000        -1342177280

PRINT Bin(-11, 32), -11
PRINT Bin(Lsl(-11, 2), 32), Lsl(-11, 2)
PRINT Bin(Lsl(-11, 28), 32), Lsl(-11, 28)
11111111111111111111111111110101        -11
11111111111111111111111111010100        -44
01010000000000000000000000000000        1342177280

See also